Here's how you add amazon's recommended ads into your post or page in WordPress.

1. Log on to your Amazon Associates account page

2. Go to Product Linking

3. Go to Recommended Ads

4. Type/select a product/s or choose from available category and click on arrow >

(read comments about Fallbacks)

5. After selecting a product/category and after clicking on the arrow facing to the right, they will appear on the right hand side of the page

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DianneBee Premium Plus
Appreciate this very much!
Thanks so much for posting this! It really helped me out! I can't use the Amazon affiliate program because we live in Arkansas but the information works well with the ad codes I have :)
rodeves Premium
Hi AlyshaNicole,

You are welcome. I am glad you found the post helpful. All the best.
johnwnewman Premium
Great training! Thanks :-)
rodeves Premium
You are welcome.
GinaGo Premium
Thank you Rod! ~Gina
rodeves Premium
You are welcome, Gina.
Kind regards
NWTDennis Premium
Thanks Rod, I've been restricting my Amazon links to products associated with my niche (golf), but am considering adding an Amazon Page to my site menu for an eStore. That would be a great place to utilize this feature.

At the moment, I'm trying to master making the Amazon links (text, text/image, and banners) open in a separate tab. I was able to follow the instructions to make a banner add open in a new tab, but am struggling to break the HTML code to do the same for a text only link.

Amazon FAQ says ... Only a slight modification to the HTML is needed to have a new browser window open when linking to Simply add target="_blank" to the linking tag.

Do you know what the "linking tag" is in an HTML string?
rodeves Premium
Adding an e store is not a bad idea. I am so sorry I am unable to assist you with the "linking tag" issue. I would encourage you to post this as a question to the WA community. I am sure there will be folks who have the knowledge will assist you. All the best!