Author welshy
Rank 6676
This video tutorial is going to show you one method that I use to add a custom contact form to my wordpress sites. Other people may use or recommend other plugins and that's fine, just make sure it works and go with what ever plugin or method you find best or easy to use.

To follow along with this tutorial you will need to install 2 plugins, both can be found doing a search from within the blog admin area when searching for new plugins:
Contact Form 7
Really Simple CAPTCHA

It's important to use a CAPTCHA image or you'll end up with a whole bunch of SPAM messages.

If you run into any problems or need help with creating a custom contact form, post a comment and I'll get back to you.
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Really informing tutorial Craig! :) You have done it again!!
James9 Premium
Excellent tutorial welshy.
jespinola Premium
As Usual you save my life sometimes. Thanks Craig :)
Sherion Premium
Thanks. I really liked this and I could understand what you were doing! I am getting better at this every day!
DonnaJ Premium
This tutorial was well done and very easy to follow. Thanks so much!! This was just what I was needing :)