Author feigner
Rank 20

A short training video about optimizing your images offline before you upload them to add to your post...
Using these tools will allow you to add more than ten images to your post and not affect your page sitespeed.

you can download RIOT ( Radical Image Optimization Tool) from
it's a free download and a very useful tool...
the other one talked about is xnconvert and this can be got from

again a very useful tool

both of these are tools you should integrate into your post workflow....

this way you get fast load times on both desktop and more importantly mobile...

if you like the training don't forget to click the like

and if you have any questions or comments then please leave them below...

thanks for watching


i apologise about the audio, i am working on a new system...

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Zoopie Premium
Nice heads up.
Thanks Phil
feigner Premium
Thanks for dropping by Stephen...
Useful tools should be shared....
Zoopie Premium
I agree, I believe we are not truly professionals until we help others. You my friend are a true professional.
ZachK Premium
Thank You, Phil,

Because of earlier advice from you, I was already using Riot.

Now I will be checking out xnconvert as well.

P.S. If anyone reads this who has never been exposed to Phil before you should definitely pay attention to what he says, he knows what he is talking about and gives great advice and training!!!

feigner Premium
Hey Zach, good to see you here and thanks for the recommendation...
as i show in the training xnconvert can create small webp images...
before, i was using the lossless option and they were coming out a lot larger than the jpgs...but using hte 80% compression they are smaller so worth looking at...
have fun
ZachK Premium
Hey Phil,

Can I ask you one thing in regards to this?

I know that I heard google is supposed to like the webp images.

So my question is if we use webp images will our website be just as fast as if we use jpg?
feigner Premium
the webp format is supposed to be better quality than jpg or jpg 2000 for a smaller file size ...
so in theory if the file sizes are smaller you will get marginal speed gains...
ZachK Premium
Thanks again Phil!
ZachK Premium
Hey Phil,

Can I ask you 2 more questions concerning images?

As far as the free image sites that I have gone to it seems like all the good images aren't free!

1. So my first question which is really a multi-part question is:

a. Do you use a site where you pay for your images and if so which one or ones?

b. However, if you use free sites for your images, can you tell me all the ones you use?

2. Do you use a plugin to lazy load your images and if so which one do you use?
feigner Premium
hey Zach...
i can feel what you are going through...
it all depends on whether you are going for a really specific image, in which case you may get really frustrated trying to find it ...
or go for an idea...
if i wanted to find an image to go with the above idea i would go with a person ...probably male frustrated....but not more specific than cement the idea that it is frustrating....
so the image sources i use are the general ones that are free
Chrystopherj has a useful list there is one other that i use to make my images different to most others, but that was gifted to me years ago (log in credentials) it is always useful to follow some marketers as they tend to give away things...
and don't ask me which ones as i change them every so often....

i do use a plugin a3 lazy load which covers videos as well as images...
apparently wordpress is suppoesd to do lazy loading, but i have not found it very useful for pagespeed....

hope this helps Zach...
ZachK Premium
Again, thank you Phil!
JKulk1 Premium
Thanks for the info Phil. I have to admit that my old ears had real trouble hearing you. Jim
feigner Premium
Sorry about that Jim ...i will try to recify asap and reupload...
it sounded not to bad on my computer before uploading but am trialling a new system so maybe that...
please accept my apologies...
they are useful tools for image optimisation so worth a look ...
Only1Hugh Premium
Hey Phil this is extremely timely. However, is the sound clear on your end? It's coming through very muffled and almost inaudible on mine. Really want to hear this. Can you let me know? Thanks

feigner Premium
Hey Hugh...sorry for the quality of the audio sounded alright on my other computer...
but on replaying it the music is too loud and masking me...
i will have to wait till tomorrow to sort it out....
but watch the video and see if you can get the jist...
the two programs are very useful and can massively reduce the file size of your images...
Only1Hugh Premium
Okay, will do. Does it work on videos as well?
feigner Premium
it is only images...
i take you are hosting videos on your site ...handbrake ( is the program to reduce the size and resolution of those ...
i would advise hosting all videos on another youtube or vimeo and embedding a link...
feigner Premium
Hey Hugh ....could you try the training again to see if the audio is any better now
apologies for the poor quality before...
Newme202 Premium
Thank you for this. I hope it will fix my page loading
I will do so now
Do we need to do both ?
feigner Premium
Hi Simone... you can use one or the other...
i tend to still stick with hte older jpg file types but am thinking of changing to the newer webp for speed and to stop google moaning....
but no you can use one or the other...
Newme202 Premium
Thank you