5 Steps To A Working Niche Marketing Strategy

Create a free website for your experiments

This website is to test strategies that you are learning. This gives you the ability to find what is working for you before applying it to your niche website.
You can use a free website from here at Wealthy Affiliate or you can create free websites through sites like weebly, wix, or even a free wordpress site.

Find 2 to 3 of your trusted blogs outside of Wealthy Affiliate

We all know the value that WA brings and if you want to stick with WA for your strategies then that will work also. The goal is to find the best strategies for you. So this is pretty much optional . However, having a mentor can be very helpful when learning niche marketing or any type of marketing.

These strategies should be used on your experimental (free website in step 1) website.

Implement what you are learning

Now we will check to see which tried strategy is bringing in traffic your test site or if it is at all. What is working or not working. Find a online tool to check the stats of your website. I love Neil Patel's SEO analyzer. I couldn't link for some reason so if interested go to https://neilpatel.com/

Check if the strategies that you tried are working

Some will work for you and some won't. The ones that do should be copied onto your niche website because they work.

Tip - For the strategies that didn't work, There are many things that you can still do with those strategies. Here is just a few:

  • Check to see why they didn't work.
  • See if you can fix them.
  • Use them to create content.
  • Tell others why they didn't work and which did. - A great trust builder..

Rinse and Repeat

Keep note of your tried strategies . Then simply start over with the next strategy.

I hope that some has found this helpful. If I can improve in any way... please feel free to let me know.

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Fleeky Premium Plus
Very inspiring Dee...! And very useful too! Thank you for sharing.
MKearns Premium
I love your strategy Deanna. It looks workable
HDee Premium
Thanks so much! It is definitely worth trying.