Author MarionBlack
Rank 45484

One of the drawbacks to using Gutenberg is that it may break old posts when you edit them. One of my posts made extensive use of jump links and anchor text. And after editing it using Gutenberg the jump links no longer worked. Needless to say I was not happy.

Then I discovered that I could use the Classic Editor plugin in conjunction with Gutenberg.

It's not a matter of choosing one or the other, you can use both together!

This video will show you how you can make Gutenberg and the Classic Editor plugin work hand in hand.

Update December 10th, 2018

The latest update to the Classic Editor plugin adds a new option as well as streamlining the original option.

You can choose the default editor for all users and you can choose whether or not to allow users to switch editors. Consider the implications before making your choices.

More of my Videos and Tutorials

As always I'm here to help you,

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hanley Premium Plus
Thanks, Marion, I will do that right now as I have stumbled a bit with Gutenberg. You are doing us all a great favour by making us take on a challenge we must eventually do but resist because of change.
In appreciation
peter h
MarionBlack Premium
No one likes change, Peter, but everyone appreciates improvements.
Fleeky Premium Plus
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome.
j52powell Premium
It was my great fear that Gutenberg would "break" my old posts like installing my new theme did. What a pain in the butt that was sorting through the problems. So, I feel relieved. Thanks a lot.
Vickic3 Premium
Bookmarked Marion as i need to go through this again to refresh from you other Gutenberg training so thank you
MarionBlack Premium
WordPress 5.0 is almost here Vicki.
Anandhijohn Premium
Hi, Marion,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome.