4 - Use Preloading Resources

Preloading and pre-fetching is a technique used to instruct a browser and load resources in the background that a user may need.

It's a system that sort of predicts the next page or pages that a web user would visit. So the preloader fetches these pages and loads them in the background in anticipation of the user's next click.

Some techniques used are DNS pre-fetching to the speed of load time and Pre-rendering for loading the most important pages before they are requested. Preloading and pre-fetching resources are available in some of the caching tools such as WP-Rocket.

5 - Upgrade Your PHP Version

Upgrading the PHP version of your site isn't a task to be undertaken by the faint-hearted. But the rewards in terms of page speed improvement are great benefits to all.

You may not be required to make any physical changes to your website when upgrading your PHP version. You will, however, need the assistance of your web hosting company or a developer.

PHP is the programming language used for creating most CMS (Content Management Systems) that you know. While the current version of PHP works fine, the developers of PHP are constantly working to improve future versions.

And one of the features of newer PHP versions is the improvement in speed that it offers to users. However, you need to check out for the features of the newer PHP version you want to upgrade to.

Also, note that PHP upgrade may adversely affect your WordPress site, so you need to have someone capable of handling any of these. If you're able to get the upgrade done successfully, you are sure to reap speed improvements for your website.

6 - Take Advantage of Browser Caching

The caching that was mentioned earlier is server caching and a lot different from browser caching. The browser caching is a mechanism that is built into newer browsers to enable web pages to load faster.

Browser caching follows a simple method which is quite easy for anyone to understand. When a web browser first loads any web page, it saves some elements of the page such as CSS and JavaScript files on the user's device.

When next the website or a particular page on it is visited by the user, the browser serves the page using the elements that were saved earlier on. This leads to a greatly improved load speed because the web page is being served with elements that were locally saved on the user's device.

To configure this feature for your website, you'll have to instruct the web browsers through the .htaccess file on your server. However, the WP-Rocket WordPress caching plugin handles the browser caching without any input from you.

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YvonneBray Premium
I totally agree with you Israel. I often get frustrated when web pages are taking a long time to down load. I often thought the carrier who we pay to may be slowing things down or too many people on the web. We often find about 3pm in Australia to be the worst time to do anything. Mind you we are on wireless here where I live as we don't have landline internet or NBN.
Israel17 Premium
That must be challenging, YvonneBray! Sorry for the page load time challenge! Not to worry, things will soon get better with the internet connectivity.

Israel Olatunji
YvonneBray Premium
I know they will Israel
Thank you for this great tutorial on how to increase page speed using 7 tips, Israel.

My site is currently experiencing rendering block and CSS Issues.

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reaching out all the way, Maxine! As regards the issue with rendering block and CSS, kindly reach the Site Support and, in minutes, they will get back to you with a solution.

Israel Olatunji
FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Hi Israel,
Great tutorial! Do you know when WA will be moving to PHP 4.x, which I’ve been told will further improve site load speed?
ChrystopherJ Premium Plus
WA will never go to PHP 4.x but they will go to 7.4 in the future, but it is not a major concern at the moment. 7.2 & 7.3 are still current, stable and secure.
FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Sorry, Chrystopher. I meant to write 7.4.x. My fingers are too big to type on this little phone screen🙂
Will 7.4.x increase load speed compared to 7.3.x?
ChrystopherJ Premium Plus
No, there is no major increase between 7.3.9 and 7.4
FrankB-1 Premium Plus
Ok, thanks!
Israel17 Premium
Oh, the issue with the PHP version isn't something to worry about. WA is busy planning big for the community, making sure that the best is invested upon.

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your great help on the issue with PHP versions, ChrystopherJ!

Israel Olatunji
EnergyK Premium
Thank you for the training..
Israel17 Premium
Hey EnergyK, good to know you enjoyed the tutorial! Find every possible means to improve your page speed. This is crucial for ranking your site on Google.

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
Excellent tutorial Israel thank you very much!
Israel17 Premium
Glad you found this tutorial excellent, Claudio! I focused on improving my page speed on an everyday basis and kept getting results. Thanks for your contribution!

Israel Olatunji