If you give yourself a chance... you can do this!

If you slow down, take a breathe and give yourself a moment, you might be able to actual give yourself a shot at building a dream.

If you are desperate, right now, and you can't get passed that feeling of deperation this will be difficult for you to do.

You have a decision to make...

Can you tolerate your current situations by other means and still find some time to create something that could make lasting change?

Are you able to make some kind of commitment to allow yourself a start on the right path to success?

If you answered YES to those questions you are in the right place!

Wealthy Affiliate is the best training platform you will ever find for building a successful online business. Sure there are other places that will give you the same technical information but the community here at Wealthy Affiliate sets us apart from ALL the rest.

Wealthy Affiliate is about, like minded people helping people and that makes all the difference in the world.

Don't be scared off by the $47/mo price tag right off...

I realize if you have come here in deperation the last thing you can open your mind to is taking on another expense.

Here is the deal...

You have 7 days to learn as much as you can for FREE! Don't feel pressured to make a decision on premium right now. You have to take advantage of the FREE training and get as much as you can under your belt.

You are on a budget...

Head to that GREEN button and "Get Started"

If you get stuck or just need a short break and some encouragement pop into the live chat and get some support from the community.

If you can't get the answers you need, right away, stay calm, take a breathe and go up to the pen icon above your profile picture and select "ask a question". You will get responses to your question and it will always be saved for you to come back to.

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SylvesterH Premium
I support everything this man says
SteveOlan Premium
BobnPeggySue Premium
Yes agreed this is not a get rich quick scheme nothing about WA ever suggests that will happen. You have to be willing to commit for the long haul. That is to give it a year. That means you have to have the financial resources to make that commitment. Either way pay the $19 and get about 5 weeks of amazing training, support and tools that you can use the rest of your business life. No secrets here, it takes hard work, dedication, and passion, to succeed. Keep the negative people out of you life put your head down and kick some butt.
SteveOlan Premium
Thanks for your support Bob. I really appreciate it.
LRenee Premium
Wonderful post. My job is to work with entrepreneurs, and it's not uncommon to get folks who walk into my center out of desperation. They have lost their job, got fed up and quit, or whatever. All they know is they need money, and they need it fast! Unfortunately, creating a business isn't about a quick buck... and this is a type of business.

It takes time, dedication, and often times slow returns. Very seldom do I get a desperate client who's ends up running a successful business. My strongest clients are typically the ones who are already financially secure in one way or another. They may be employed and starting their business on the side, already doing something similar and decided to branch out on their own, have had a successful business in the past and are ready to start a new one, etc. But the ones who come in saying they have no job, no money, and are looking for me to find them money to start a business often don't get off go.

Your website business is an investment of time and money. It's not a quick fix to all your financial troubles.

Well said!
bmontes Premium
Very True. Hang in there and make it happen. It will happen. Getting my head in the game now. Thanks.
SteveOlan Premium
Thanks for reading, I am grateful! Pass it along to those that you think may benefit.
Chris2005 Premium Plus
The $20 for the first month will get you a great deal on knowledge if you apply yourself. The online business is self motivated, if you cannot motivate your self to do a good portion of the training in the first 5 weeks and apply it, you will take a good little bit of time to make this work. The more you apply the faster it happens.
SteveOlan Premium
I really appreciate you stopping by and would appreciate if you share with new members that you feel need to read.
