The second thread you could join is the "Website Feedback" thread.

In Kyle's words "As we are building out our websites, it is always nice to get some feedback and insights from "others" as to how we are doing. It can lead to us getting a better understanding of the process and it will lead to a much higher quality website".

Join The 'Website Feedback' Thread Here

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CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Aparna, this is such excellent training!

All the threads in one place.

When I started at WA, it took me a while to find the threads and join.
It would have been much more helpful to have had everything in one place like this.

I have booked marked this and will be sharing it with my Referrals.

Thank you so much.

Aparna155 Premium
Thank u for the appreciation Cassi :P
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
You are very welcome, Aparna.
Joy3 Premium
Thank you. Great tips.
Aparna155 Premium
Thanxx Joy
jghwebbrand Premium
Very nice idea to join all of the key links together for newbies.

Aparna155 Premium
Thank u
AndyN1 Premium
Hi Aparna
Valuable advice this. I tend to stumble on threads by accident rather than taking the time to check out what is there. It is worth making the effort to cast our eyes a little wider than our habits otherwise dictate.
Best regards
Aparna155 Premium
Thank you Andy. I hope this helps some of my friends.
AndyN1 Premium
I can hear Ringo Starr singing :-)
CordeliaN Premium Plus
“Bookmark and name the file”...genius, is it when someone points out the bleeding obvious that one can feel the class clown for missing the sensible obvious approach, instead..... as in the case of me,.......who behaved like my very elderly mother who thinks WiFi is pronounced whifee and who switches off her tablet for 23 hours out of 24 as it “always needs a charge up”

I am really really pleased to have found this bit of training, I am not a new entrant nor a newcomer, i recognise the real importance of these threads; each and every time I use them I have to remind myself where they are, usually going into my PM area....not now...

I just want to reiterate to the newcomers, these threads are real golden nuggets, don’t do as I do, (which is have my files in disorganised chaos) do as Aparna suggests, name them & bookmark them. 👍🤗 then use them.
Aparna155 Premium
Oh, Cordelia, you are too kind. Your websites are testimony to the kind of organized hard work you have put in. But thank you for being so sweet :)

CordeliaN Premium Plus
Ha ha, organised me? Well I try, and with a little help from my friends.😉

By the way I liked your video 👏👏
Aparna155 Premium