Hi there,

Recently I have been using Powerpoint to fix up some pictures for my website. I don't have Photoshop or anything that fancy, and I find that PowerPoint can do some tricks to fix pictures in a simple way.

So here goes a short and quick tutorial that may help you getting those pictures the way you want it.

First you need to open up your Powerpoint program and open a Blank presentation. Once open, make sure to select a "Blank" layout (keeps it clean and uncluttered for the eyes)

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WilliamBH Premium
Great Orion .. I use PowerPoint for the same purposes with pictures too. Great Training. Cheers, William.
PatrickM1 Premium
Excellent training. Thanks for sharing.
Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks for the great training, I can surely use it. And I bookmarked it.
MKearns Premium
I understand yo can do this in Paint too. Great for training!
SantaFez Premium
Not all the same tools are available in Paint.
I like using Paint when I need to get right down into pixel per pixel fixing and matching colors.
PowerPoint works on the whole picture for a quick and easy to use tool.
Glad you liked it =)