1. Choose a format:

You have to choose a format and an ideal setting for broadcasting your videos. A good environment will give more life to your video. But don’t forget that your niche will also contribute to the environment you choose.

Especially when it comes to selecting a background, it should appeal to your desired audience. Your environment can help people connect with you and also serve as a source of inspiration. Another important factor in selecting an environment is consistency.

Creating your video in an environment with sufficient light is always a plus to video creation. Natural lightening improves the appearance of your video. If you are recording from a room, get close to the window and ensure they are wide opened. When it comes to creating live videos your environment is a contributory factor.

2. Write a Script and Practice:

I agree that the name Facebook live means it is a live show, but you need a script. Your script will be a guide and you also need to practice. Doing it well will help you create a good impression and prevent lots of mistakes. Remember your objective is demonstrating that you are a leader in your brand or niche.

    Get yourself ready, work through your script, test possible questions. Also,, you need to test your equipment, check your lightening system, your audio, and every other factor contributing to the successful completion of the shooting.

    Don’t forget to check your internet connection before starting, ensure it is up and running. You can always run a different test with the only-me setting, with it you get comfortable with the camera. I can remember Jay (Magistudio) advising that you assume you are talking to just one person in one of his training.

    It is a good way to be relaxed and comfortable facing the camera. Remember, you are just talking to one person.

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    Kingschido Premium
    Hello Para, thanks for sharing..
    Parameter Premium
    Thank you Kings,

    Facebook live has continued to make waves since its inception. This is obvious in its high-level engagement from its live broadcast.
