Alternate Ways To Get What You Need...

Keep in mind that you may need to be creative in describing what you are looking for if the type of image is very popular or iconic.

Pop culture images like in movies such as "Deadpool" for example may or may not turn up what you need.

These are heavily copyrighted and most likely monitored heavily for infringements.

Sometimes you can get around this by using other related keywords. Example, you could use "Wade Wilson" or "merc with a mouth".

Another way to have the image you want without lawyers sending threatening cease and desist emails to you is create your own.

I use Photoshop a LOT. I have an Illustrator background but anyone can create easily their own original images and the best part is, you are the creator of it so you can do what you want with it.

Just make sure you label your work as Copyright " your name and date" on the image otherwise someone else will be using it if they like it.

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phollett Premium
Thanks for this.I saw a few google images i really like and this is very helpful.