You could develop a spread sheet to track information about each website you have worked on.

For me, I prefer a free form data base like Evernote. I set up a notebook for Webpage Development and use tags to identify each website I need to track.

I also find Mastermind mapping to be a great way to visualize the structure of my website. There are many mastermind programs. My favorite is X-Mind. I’ve used Mindmiester and a few others, but I’m far from an expert on all the Mastermind programs available. Experiment and find what works best for you.

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trendygirl Premium
Very useful informaion.I have bookmarked this training and I will be using your training Thanks
BobZeiss Premium
I should be doing this, I know it makes sense.

Note to myself:
More attention to organisation needed, have to do better!

ConeyM Premium
Better do it earlier, than sorry later. Thank you!
mijareze Premium
Definately a good idea.
rosieM Premium
I thank you for this .... definitely something that is often overlooked until it's needed...this I learned the hard way.