In this video I walk you through displaying or hiding widgets as you choose.
The WordPress default is to show all widgets on all posts and pages except when you have a theme which supports a full page width template. And then you can choose to have no side widgets at all.
But what if you want to display a widget on some posts or pages and not on others.
Like the About Me widget that I don’t want to show on my About Me page. DUH! That’s too much of a good thing.
There’s a plugin for that.
Go to Plugins > Add New and search for widget options. Install and activate.
The plugin’s default is to display all widgets unless you choose otherwise. So it's not going to affect any of your existing widgets until you modify the settings.
To hide a widget on a particular page go to Appearance > Widgets and open the widget you want to change. Select that page in the box under "Hide on checked pages". Save the widget and then check that it's been hidden on the correct page and shows up on the others.
Updated October 17, 2016
If you installed the plugin I recommended previously please deactivate and delete it. It hasn't been updated recently and could cause problems. The plugin I use now is Widget Options.
Check out About Me Text Widget
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