This is important to get your approval on Clickbank, if you have setup everything correctly, when you click on the Payment link on your pitch page, you will be lead to a secure payment form by Clickbank.

To test purchase, go to Settings, and My Site, scroll down to Testing Your Product

Edit, then generate a card number. You will use this no for test purchase your product. Use your personal email, check if you receive link to your Thank You page, and if every name shown is correct.

After this step, you are ready to head back to Product Setup page earlier.

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Shannonkamal Premium Plus
This was cool! I was looking into creating a product soon.
2Al Premium
Thank you for sharing the training.
KatieMac Premium
This is great thank you had thought of my own product have bookmarked this
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Thank you for creating and sharing this tutorial, good information spelt out very well
Lazyblogger Premium
Great training, I picked up some key points which I would implimemt down the road. Thanks.
