One of the things that is recommended in the Getting Started action plan is to check a small, 'hide from menu' box on the post that you're writing. This has caused a bit of confusion (from what I can see in the forum) so I thought I'd write a short guide on how you can make a custom menu for your site. That's right, no more crazy little check boxes, just pure, control freak precision.
Here's the problem:
Every time you add a page to your Wordpress blog you'll add it to the main menu (unless you check the box). They're all added in a jumble. What if there are a few pages that you don't want in the main menu? Or what if you want a post in the menu? Or perhaps a category? Or an affiliate link? Maybe you want a special menu in the sidebar, with hand picked links?
That's the power of a custom menu so roll right up and check out how you can make one too.
If you prefer this training in video form, check out Christian's video here.Join the Discussion
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Linda Fedun
sounds good, but still a bit confusing to a newbie like me. How do I switch a page to a post. It looks better on my side bar, and goes in the order I'd like it to?
thanks. very informative. Now I have confidence for working with CSS and now I know what a child theme really is. I especially love that fact that it lead me to this training
That was a Godsend....
That was a Godsend....