Author MarimN
Rank 2128

Mailchimp Signup forms and response emails are in the English language by default and have recommended tabs for fields and buttons.

The Translate it tab enables you to translate your signup form and answer emails into a different language and customizing default text. Allows you modify default text on form buttons or in error messages. MailChimp offers support for more than 50 languages.

The system does not translate Head text or custom field text or label. To change the field table, edit the text from the build it tab. You can do it manually. You can also edit or manually translate text in the context box surrounded by a red dash line.

Mailchimp auto translation feature is a great option to manage customers who speak many languages. If you have clients who speak a different language from English, the auto-translation tool will identify a subscriber’s web browser language and show the forms and response emails in that language. To turn on this option click the auto translate button.

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Thank you for sharing :)
MarimN Premium
You are welcome, Minitrio