Ezine Articles Bio

The requirements for a Bio varies from site to site. Creating one in Ezine as a template is a good starter.

Ezine has set things up to allow you to write under as many pen names as you want. First create the Bio plus add a relevant photo. Make sure the Bio sounds credible, fits the photo and the words you write resonate and draw in the audience. If they have a burning problem, maybe you can say you had that problem too in the past? Keep the Bio to below 100 words so you don’t lose the reader’s interest.

Ezine Articles Resource Box

Ezine also require a Resource Box. This is the paragraph that appears at the bottom of every article – the call to action and is potentially the most powerful part of the article. If the reader has got this far, you’ve built up some credibility. Don’t blow it.

Using the Bio as the basis for the Resource Box text is a good idea & ensures the message is consistent. You can write a default resource box – if you are writing several articles on the same niche this is recommended.

Keep the "about me" element to 3-4 lines and finish with your call to action url. Remember you are building empathy & recommending they follow the link not selling to them.

(A PotPieGirl trick with the resource box is to write maybe 100 words before the "about me" element. This can be used as a default resource box at the bottom of multiple articles. The advantage being to reduce the required number of words in the main body by 100 words)

Your Name & Photo

If you are writing for a 35-54 year old female audience, give yourself a female alias and use a photo of say a 35 year old woman. If you are targeting the Hispanic audience, give yourself a Hispanic name & photo.

Make your audience feel you are “one of them”.

You can get hold of a photo from many sources - Google Images or Hotornot. Make sure it is flagged as free to use. Maybe also get a large size high quality picture and crop it to feature just head and shoulders.

How Many Articles per Bio?

Writing a large number of articles under a lot of different subjects may identify you as an affiliate marketer. You’ll also be taken more seriously if the articles you write are all on the same subject.

If you move onto a different unrelated niche, create a new bio since you’ll be promoting a different product which will have a different audience to empathise with.


Think of Mary Evans writing Silas Marner under the pen name George Eliot. She had to assume the profile of "George Eliot" and write as that alias. This is what you have to do. Step into the shoes of your alias when you write.

It's actually good fun and helps you tune your mind into that niche better. So far I’ve only written under female aliases!

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greghagar Premium
@ thesue...

I believe the resource box can only be 15% of your total article length within Ezine. Just a head's up!

Martynh - the tutorial STILL rocks! Again, nice work my man!
martynh Premium
A quick thanks to sox1n05 for proofreading it last month
determined1988 Premium
A quick thanks to sox1n05 for proofreading it last month
thesue Premium
This is helpful
By the way...I tried that trick with an extra paragraph in the resource box and discovered Ezine is clamping down. They have a strict percentage quota, based on the number of words in the article. I think it is the only allow in the resource ox 20 or 25% of the words in the article. My most recent 435 word article had a resource box of 117 words, and it was rejected for being too long.
imosher Premium
This is helpful
By the way...I tried that trick with an extra paragraph in the resource box and discovered Ezine is clamping down. They have a strict percentage quota, based on the number of words in the article. I think it is the only allow in the resource ox 20 or 25% of the words in the article. My most recent 435 word article had a resource box of 117 words, and it was rejected for being too long.