Firstly let's put aside any suspicion or doubt about the valid use of aliases or pen names. Let's explore who in history have successfully & legitimately used pen names:

Wuthering Heights

Acton, Currer and Ellis Belle were the real names of The Bronte sisters, who wrote Jane Eyre & Wuthering Heights.

Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll, famous for Alice in Wonderland was actually the mathematician Charles Dodgson

The Mill on the Floss

George Eliot, who wrote The Mill on the Floss & Silas Marner was actually a woman, Mary Ann Evans.

The Bronte sisters used pen names as they wouldn't have been otherwise published. Charles Dodgson would not have been taken seriously as a mathematician if he was seen to be writing about fantasy whilst Mary Ann Evans felt her work would have been taken more seriously as a man.

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greghagar Premium
@ thesue...

I believe the resource box can only be 15% of your total article length within Ezine. Just a head's up!

Martynh - the tutorial STILL rocks! Again, nice work my man!
martynh Premium
A quick thanks to sox1n05 for proofreading it last month
determined1988 Premium
A quick thanks to sox1n05 for proofreading it last month
thesue Premium
This is helpful
By the way...I tried that trick with an extra paragraph in the resource box and discovered Ezine is clamping down. They have a strict percentage quota, based on the number of words in the article. I think it is the only allow in the resource ox 20 or 25% of the words in the article. My most recent 435 word article had a resource box of 117 words, and it was rejected for being too long.
imosher Premium
This is helpful
By the way...I tried that trick with an extra paragraph in the resource box and discovered Ezine is clamping down. They have a strict percentage quota, based on the number of words in the article. I think it is the only allow in the resource ox 20 or 25% of the words in the article. My most recent 435 word article had a resource box of 117 words, and it was rejected for being too long.