Author nathaniell
Rank 53

Creating a custom logo or banner in Gimp is not that hard. If you are unfamiliar with Gimp, it can be scary, but this is a very useful and FREE tool that I use all the time to edit images. It's definitely worth investing some time in.

This skill is particularly useful if you want to make unique banners and logos. For example, everyone promoting WA has the same banners on their site. Get something a bit different, and customize it to match the theme of your site! (free) (paid images)

This training should take you through the whole process (simply), but there are many more options. Check out YouTube for lots of free gimp tutorials.

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choppydo Premium
How did you find that picture for 30cents? All the ones even slightly related to my niche are al least $5!
ohmywurd Premium
You can try searching free commercial use images and see what comes up. Flikr has some good ones, like this group that contains all free for commercial use images:
nathaniell Premium
The website I showed in the video is .44 cents per credit (when you buy a package), so I was mistake, it's 88 cents for one photo (2 credits). 15 credits is $6, or 60 cents per credit. Search on their website, and I'm sure you'll find plenty. In fact, I just found a bunch.
choppydo Premium
Ok! This is much more reasonable. I got what i wanted, thanks!
ohmywurd Premium
GIMP is the best. Almost all of the features of Photoshop with none of the costs. I hadn't even considered a custom banner yet for my site but when I do, I will definitely be referring back to this training. Thank you for sharing. (:
tommo1968 Premium Plus
Thanks Nathaniell great training. I have been using gimp more and more recently having installed it on my laptop. These tips will help me give a better feel for it.

Another option for putting the image in the side bar is using the image widget within Jetpack. I know some find it slows the site but I haven't noticed much lag. All the options are there center, add link, change size, add caption etc. Handy too.
nathaniell Premium
I use it all the time, and I don't know what half of the stuff is for! Lol. For basic stuff like this, it's great. I learned just out of necessity, which is sounds like you're doing too. Add tricks to your bag bit by bit, and it'll come second nature eventually.

Thanks for the tip on Jetpack. I've too have heard that it's heavy on your sites resources, so haven't tried it, but I guess WP has it there for a reason!
I changed the password and my new one does not work.
nathaniell Premium
did you use 'caps'? Have you tried the old one? Have you tried the 'forgot password' link?
Ok so my website is set up and I know I need to add content to it. But it is not letting me log in to it.
nathaniell Premium
do you know your password? It should be in your 'details' section where you created the site