Author PjGermain
Rank 1671

Click to Tweet - Enhanced Sharing and Engagement

Let's jazz up our posts a bit with a cool little Twitter plug-in to help create some buzz about that latest killer article you just spent hours researching and composing.

In this video, I'll give you a few tips on how to share your articles in a few different ways to help attract more readers and give you some flexibility.

Are you on Twitter? You should be. If you have ever seen a "Click to Tweet" option within an article, it's pretty cool! I'll show you how to set it up within just a few minutes.

Also, this was created for a special someone that needed help setting this plugin up. So, I hope it's clear and I didn't miss anything!

I hope it helps!



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Toshmack Premium
Many thanks for the share.
Cheers, Tosh :)
mckm Premium
I installed this a few days ago. I don't think anyone's used it yet but I like the way it looks on my webpage
rosieM Premium
A little bidie told me.....a line my mother used to say....usually meant she'caught' you in a would have imagined how big a best that twitter bird had? Twitter is definitely a needed presence for most and an even better way to meet new connections.
StepChook Premium
Thanks PJ. Much appreciated.
MKearns Premium
Thank you for the Twitter Tip PJ