A domain is your brand and as you establish yourself as a brand or an authority in any niche it is very important that get a domain that represents you and your business as a brand.
In the same way that Google, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook and Apple are brands that we have come to know, as your move forward with your business you will be building out yourself as a brand/authority within your given niche.
In this video I am going to be walking you through the process of researching and coming up with your domain name using Jaaxy, which can be found under the "Research" tab in the top menu.
Then we are going to be leveraging SiteDomains to find and purchase the domain name, upon which time it will instantly be ready for us to build out our website on.
To access SiteDomains and purchase your domains, you can head here:
==> SiteDomains - The Ultimate Domain Experience
**Note: After you purchase your domain, you will receive an email from domains@wealthyaffiliate.com with the title "IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for yourdomain.com". You will want to open that email and VERIFY your email address.
If you have any questions about choosing a brand name for your domain name or you need any help with SiteDomains, please leave your comments/questions below.
Also, if you want to run your domain name idea by us and get community feedback for your domain before you purchase it, please leave it below in the comments and we will be happy to give you feedback and advice.
Can anyone help please!
I am not sure if I am missed something in the video I have watched it three times, but when you purchase your own domain where exactly does it go to? Google? Go Daddy? Bing?
I had almost had everything ready to purchase but I clicked on the Name Mesh site to purchase and it directed to Go Daddy, so I backed out and did not purchase (although it was cheaper).
I thought I have made a mistake in registering the domain and I am requesting WA Management to edit it but no response yet.
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