Author ShaneWelcher
Rank 413

Hi WA,

Yesterday I put out a blog about an experience that I had with added users on my website that I had no clue were there, it turns out that throughout the last 6 months from either updates, upgrades, or theme changes that my settings were different from the original setup that I had from Kyle's Cert training.

This prompted me to blog about it and remind everyone that it is helpful to check these settings from time to time. The response was good but I did have a few people that may not have been here long ask about the users on their site and how to check them.

I made this video to highlight the proper settings.

I will make another video tomorrow to show you how to search the user in Google to see if they are spam. This is a very helpful trick that some of you already know but still a good idea to add training on.

Sorry for the sound quality, I am at work right now and on a different computer.

I hope this is helpful,


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Debs3 Premium
Thank you, Shane.
kasage00 Premium
Thanks for sharing!
TitaWorks Premium
Thanks, Shane...bookmarked.
WilliamBH Premium
Thanks Shane .. Cheers, William.
Stansk Premium
Thanks for the video. Its always nice to know these little things.
ShaneWelcher Premium
Glad to be able to help with reminders like this.