Author Prestones
Rank 24377

Custom page layouts

Did you know that WordPress page layouts can be altered on a per-page basis? That is, you can have one page which is a full width page, while other pages may have a left sidebar, and still others may have a right sidebar.

Why would you want to change the appearance of your pages? When you create a landing page, you'll want to eliminate any sidebar distractions - so that's one page you'd like to have show only full width content.

AdSense warning

Google takes a dim view of it's AdSense ads appearing on your 404 error page or several other non-content pages - see for more. In cases like these, you need to avoid showing sidebars that may have AdSense ads in them, and you can make that happen with full width content pages.

Mix it up

Similarly, you can alter the appearance of your site by showing the right sidebar with certain pictures, your blogroll, or site indexes on most pages, and put different text and pictures in your left sidebar, to be displayed on certain other pages.

Take a look at your admin area and experiment a bit with your site - you can always change things back to their original layout if you don't like the results of your trial.

Play with it!


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Robert-A Premium
Hello Dennis. I have tried the page layout several times and depending on what theme you use most of them work ok.
When you use the full page template this creates a problem with the smaller mobile devices and so not really as mobile friendly as google likes and it will penalize you for this.

Full Page Layout is fine for a text only article if you don't mind scrolling but who is going to read a full page of text on a mobile phone these days, and especially if they have to scroll back and forth and up and down?

People want to see a pic or image description of what they're reading about. otherwise it gets boring in a very short time and people will click away.

Nice training demo and you have a nice day.
Prestones Premium
Hi Robert!

I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about no one wanting to read a page full of text.

Unfortunately, some themes aren't responsive at all - and others that claim to be aren't fully responsive.

My best advice to anyone wanting a new theme - read reviews, then test, test, test!

Robert-A Premium
Got it in one Dennis.
You have to see what works best for the viewers so testing is a must do otherwise you will publish a page and wonder why nobody is reading it.
The answer is painfully obvious when you try it yourself.
There's nothing there lol.
Still a good demo post though.
have a great day.
jvranjes Premium
Dennis, I am going to go through this, for now just to say thank you for the effort. I like the idea of mixing up, to break monotony of pages. Jovo
Prestones Premium
Great to hear Jovo.

You're always challenging yourself - whether on the mountainside or at your computer. Great!

Keisi Premium
Thank you Dennis, I am doing just as you said. I am testing this. Yes there are a few of my pages I don't want the sidebar to show. I have a few pages to compile. No complaint, it goes with the building of a web site. Keep up the great work.
Prestones Premium
Glad to have put something out there you can use Keisi!

Loes Premium
Thanks Dennis, very helpful training
Prestones Premium
Hi Loes :)

Great to have you drop my and grace my little corner of WA.

Thanks for the encouragement!

HelenpDoyle Premium
I like playing with the computer. It's only the hours I spend trying to fix what I play with that annoys me!
Prestones Premium
I hear you there, Helen. I try to look at those occasions as a learning experience.

I also try to keep a recent backup!

HelenpDoyle Premium
Me too.