2. Improve SEO

The more the Q&A you are involved with continue to grow and improve, it is most likely that some of the discussions and interactions on the sites will begin to appear on SERP first page, so when you ask a question that generate a lot of engagements or you come up with a quality answer and it get noticed then you are generating traffic to that Q&A site through that particular post, so if you add keyword and also a link to your content, then it will surely help to increase your website ranking and authority.

3. Establish Credibility & Trust

The primary aim of building Q&A sites is to solve problems encountered by people, just like what your own website is created for which is meeting visitors need. So your must provide reasonable answers to any question you come across in your niche market, you must build a good reputation for your business by been ready to help and honest. In order to gain members respect and trust you must as well come up with relevant solutions to their queries. This will go a long way in converting community members to your site visitors through your profile link.

4. Diversify Your Link Profile

This is one of the benefits of using Q&A sites, it helps to diversify your web link profile, external links on Q&A sites are mostly nofollow but these baclinks should not be overlooked. Always make use of Q&A sites that has a very high ranking. One of the examples of such website is Quora which is currently highly ranked based on online engagement.

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saruth Premium Plus
Thanks for the tutorial. very Important informations, appreciated.
CharlesI Premium
Thanks for your comment saruth.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the wonderful training created, Charles! The Q&A sites are instrumental in building high-quality backlinks.

Israel Olatunji
CharlesI Premium
I totally agree with you that Q&A sites are very essential in building backlinks.
Keny44 Premium
Hi Charles, Thank you for detailing the steps needed to build links using Q&A sites. This is awesome!
CharlesI Premium
I appreciate your comment ken
Thanks for stopping by.
Higgins83 Premium
Great training. Thanks so much 👍
CharlesI Premium
Thanks for your comment.