What is Amazon Sponsored Display Ads?

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads are Amazon's advertising solutions for brands to target and retarget their products at shoppers both on and off of Amazon with auto-generated product focused ads.

Advertisers are able to enjoy a brand new and easy access to Amazon display inventory which enables them to reach their audience based on interest segments.

Amazon Sponsored Display Ads was designed to replace Product Display ad with self-service which gives greater control to advertisers in the promotion of their products.

This service, if well-used, can help brands enjoy more visibility, engage more shoppers with their brands, target shoppers based on behavior and lead to higher product sales.

Advertisers are only charged when their ads are clicked while the auto-generated placements work towards giving advertisers the best value for their advertising spend. Amazon Sponsored Display Ads give advertisers so much benefit, and yet very affordable for brands who are running on a tight budget.

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Ahimbe Premium
Amazon Sponsored Display Ads is a good way to advertise.
I am aware of the popularity of Amazon and it is bright thing to do spread your advertising net wide.
Thank you for the detailed training, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, my friend, Ahimbe! Absolutely correct, there's no way e-commerce will be discussed without first mentioning Amazon. So, it's a good place to advertise a niche product. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
ELangley1 Premium
Hey, Israel. Thanks for this information. It is a little ahead of my training at this point, but I am archiving your email for future reference.
Israel17 Premium
Much appreciated for that, ELangley1! Glad you found it helpful! Anytime you feel comfortable exploring the sponsored display ads of Amazon, do not hesitate to do so. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
Parameter Premium
Never new amazon was into advertising, thanks for this detailed info
Israel17 Premium
You're warmly welcome onboard, Parameter! Thanks for leaving a thought! The Amazon sponsored display ads is a recently-launched advertising feature on Amazon and it's meant to help individual bloggers find the right audience for their product. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
lesabre Premium
Hi Israel, once again thank you for the share.

Best wishes,
Israel17 Premium
You're much welcome onboard, Michael! Thanks for stopping by! The Amazon sponsored display ads will help in finding the right audience for your niche product. Meet you at the top soon, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
timstime20 Premium
Thanks I’ll re-read and see what I can do with this
Good information
Thanks Israel
Israel17 Premium
You are much welcome onboard, Tim! I bet, you are going to find this training useful! Amazon sponsored display ads will help you find the right audience for your products. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji