How to Create Amazon Sponsored Display Ads

Here are simple steps to helping you create your Sponsored Display Ads in just a few minutes:

Step 1: Navigate your way to Campaign Manager

Step 2: Once there, click on "Create Campaign" to get started with creating your Sponsored Display Ads

Step 3: After step 2, you will be prompted to select the type of ad campaign that you intend to create and your choice should be "Sponsored Display" campaign type.

Step 4: Pick the product that you want to advertise on your Sponsored Display ad by either typing the product's name or its ASIN.

Step 5: After you have made the choice of particular products for advertisement, you will then be able to set a CPC bid.

Step 6: Next is for you to set details of your campaign which includes the campaign name, campaign budget and the duration of the campaign.

Step 7: You can now preview your ad to have an idea how it looks. If there are no changes you need to make, you can then proceed to submitting your advert.

Hearty congratulations to you for the completion of your first Amazon Sponsored Display Ad!!!

Following these steps sheepishly will lead to the successful creation of your Sponsored Display Ad. For your advertising budget, it is advisable that you approach it in either of the 2 ways below.

  • First approach is to schedule a month's duration for your ads at a budget of $1 daily, making a total of $30 for the month. This should help give you a feel of how the Sponsored Display Ad can promote your product and increase sales.
  • The second is to focus on any of your products with good sales history. Promote the product through the Sponsored Display Ad and evaluate the increase in sales during the duration of the campaign. With enough ROI on this campaign, you can then proceed to expand your advertisement through the Sponsored Display Ads.


There is no better time for you to break into the opportunities that Amazon Sponsored Display Ads offers to your business. You are able to promote your brand before shoppers who may find your products relevant to their needs. Plus, the cost of advertising is quite affordable with potentials of high ROI.

You should adopt a multi-channel marketing approach where the big ads networks are utilized to spread your message and business to their users – taking advantage of the different peculiarities of each network to build traffic to your site and increase conversion.

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Ahimbe Premium
Amazon Sponsored Display Ads is a good way to advertise.
I am aware of the popularity of Amazon and it is bright thing to do spread your advertising net wide.
Thank you for the detailed training, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, my friend, Ahimbe! Absolutely correct, there's no way e-commerce will be discussed without first mentioning Amazon. So, it's a good place to advertise a niche product. Thanks for leaving a thought!

Israel Olatunji
ELangley1 Premium
Hey, Israel. Thanks for this information. It is a little ahead of my training at this point, but I am archiving your email for future reference.
Israel17 Premium
Much appreciated for that, ELangley1! Glad you found it helpful! Anytime you feel comfortable exploring the sponsored display ads of Amazon, do not hesitate to do so. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
Parameter Premium
Never new amazon was into advertising, thanks for this detailed info
Israel17 Premium
You're warmly welcome onboard, Parameter! Thanks for leaving a thought! The Amazon sponsored display ads is a recently-launched advertising feature on Amazon and it's meant to help individual bloggers find the right audience for their product. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
lesabre Premium
Hi Israel, once again thank you for the share.

Best wishes,
Israel17 Premium
You're much welcome onboard, Michael! Thanks for stopping by! The Amazon sponsored display ads will help in finding the right audience for your niche product. Meet you at the top soon, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
timstime20 Premium
Thanks I’ll re-read and see what I can do with this
Good information
Thanks Israel
Israel17 Premium
You are much welcome onboard, Tim! I bet, you are going to find this training useful! Amazon sponsored display ads will help you find the right audience for your products. Thanks for reading!

Israel Olatunji