The Online Entrepreneur Certification course has 5 Levels, and each level has 10 lessons. At the end of each lesson, you will have tasks to perform to ensure you have understood the lesson and also to take action on your site.

The terms level and course will be interchangeable so Level 1 is the same as Course 1. Just wanted to mention this as I will probably go back and forth on these two terms and it’s the same when you go onto the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

In this Getting Started level, you will learn how making money online works and lays down the basic foundation on how you can get started to do the same.

After understanding how making money online works, you will then learn how to find a niche that you want to work in and then you start building your website.

By the end of this level, you will have your very own website live on the internet, in a niche that you love to work in, and laying down the first layer of foundation for your website.

You will learn how to build your initial pages, what info needs to be on there, and what plugins you’ll need to make your website working well.

Before this Course 1 ends, you will have started to understand the importance of content creation and what that will mean for your website.

These first 10 lessons are FREE for anyone who signed up with their Free startermembership, which is what everyone starts with

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