Author renelynm
Rank 1785

I just want to share with you guys how to add read more button in your blog roll or home page. Especially for those members like me that just started to work on the website how to look it nicely. I've been asking for feedback in one of my website the art crafts activities which one of the person suggested me to add the read more button because my blog roll is look clutter which is true so I take a step to work for it and now it look better.

I'm searching here in WA members tutorial and they said working for read more button it will depend on your THEME. Some theme is support already and other are not which you need to work on it by editing your post. I'm using twenty ten theme and it is not supported of read more button so I go to all my post and edit one by one.

Just follow this steps

1. Go to your post

2 Click EDIT

3. In the video, I turn the post into TEXT MODE but you can do it in VISUAL and have the same result, just check the image below the ICON of read more button I highlighted.

4.Bring the cursor in the text post you want to add the READ MORE BUTTON

5. Then click the MORE icon on top of your content

6. Go back to visual mode you will see look like this------more-----

7. Then UPDATE and check your blog roll.

You can visit this tutorial also:

Hope it helps you...

God bless and have a great journey with WA community.

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jrswab Premium
I use this on all my posts. You are able to increase your number of post on your blog roll without making a super long page. It also helps to lower the bounce rate since they have to click through to see the rest of the post.
renelynm Premium
Thank you, jrswab, I agree with you and the appearance of my website it looks clean now. Thank you for the kind of words :)
AchuthanN1 Premium
Good information. Thank you for sharing.
renelynm Premium
Thak you for dropping by AchuthanN1, have a great time always :)
rodeves Premium
Thank you for sharing.
renelynm Premium
Welcome, thank you for dropping by Rodeves, :)
jvranjes Premium
There is no need to go to Text mode, Read More is already in Visual.
renelynm Premium
Hi, Jovo, it didn't show the read more icon in my visual mode that's why I turn into text mode. :)
Thank you for dropping by maybe some theme no need to text mode.
jvranjes Premium
In your video, at 2:44 I see you are in Visual mode. So Read More button is there in the screen, the second button from the right, upper row. Have a look, it is there.
renelynm Premium
Thank you, Jovo for that opinion and explanation I've checked already, read more tag icon. I will try to work for it to my other post. I've never done it before :).
Mac01 Premium
This was a great topic to choose for training, Renelynm. Thanks for sharing, liked and liked!
renelynm Premium
Thank you ,Mac, for your kind of words :)
Mac01 Premium
My pleasure Renelynm :)