Author MoritzS
Rank 251

Important Update:

It seems that Youtube changed something with its code.

My stop command can not be used anymore when you turn the controls of.
You can only add it when you keep the controls on.


Hello my friends.

Do you want to add a Youtube video to your site but don't know how?

Are you annoyed that many videos on Youtube display the URL of a shop at the end of the video and you can't use them for that reason?

Well, I found a way how to make an embedded video stop playing at the time you want it to stop.
I wanted to use a great video to a product but in the last few seconds of the video was the website of a competitor displayed and I didn't want to send my readers there.

So now my embedded video just stops before that and my visitors will not see the URL of that other site! :)

Watch the video to learn that easy and simple trick.

The code you are going to add is very short. It's just:


"xx" stands for the seconds after which you want the video to stop.
Please note that it only works with seconds, so if you want to stop it after 1:04, like in my video, you will have to write "&end=64".

Also make sure to add it inside the quotation marks in which the url of the video is written and don't put any spaces in the code.


Thanks to Jovo's question I had another look at the codes and there is actually another trick.
Not only can you stop the player at a given time, you can also let it start whenever you want!

Maybe you don't like the first minute of a video, but the rest is great?
No problem.
Just add &start=xx before the &end=xx and the video will start at that point.
Again, this has to be in seconds!
Of course you can use the &start=xx command without the &end=xx command, too.

I will update the video, or make a completely new video, when I have the time.

Any questions?

Let me know in the comments.

Have a good one!


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LH-CLUB Premium
Great tip Moritz, keep em coming.


MoritzS Premium
Oh, I will. ;)
adaba063 Premium
thank you for the tip
MoritzS Premium
You're welcome.
RooRoo55 Premium
WOW!! I will get set up and I would like to learn more absolutely:)
MoritzS Premium
Looking forward to following your progress. :)
krazykat Premium
Cool! Thank you Moritz.
MoritzS Premium
You're welcome.
This discovery opened many possibilities for me. I can now use many more videos than before.
mijareze Premium
Thanks Moritz.
MoritzS Premium
You're welcome. Hope it helped. :)