9. Your Blog Posts Are Not Readable

How do you define readability? Readability is the ability to make content understandable and clear for as many people as possible. The likelihood that your target audience will read and interact with the content that you post increases if you focus on readability. It should be an essential part of your content management.

It's obvious how crucial great content is for your website. This is how your visitors will learn more about you and what you offer. What happens if the information you post online is too complex or wordy? It is possible to lose important online interactions if your content is difficult for users.

Let's assume you've created a clear communications strategy. Your content plan is complete. Your hard work and planning may be in vain if you don't check the readability of your content.


Do you need to make some updates to your blog posts in order to increase their views and improve them? Then follow the tips given above and you will start getting results.

I hope you got some value from this tutorial. If you did Please add a comment below and Tick the Like box.

All The Best. Jim

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StefanieT Premium
Hi there,

Thanks do all these great tips! I am currently in the process of optimising all of my old posts, images and all. This is interesting what you say about vertical images because all of mine are landscape. Do I need to have a special plugin or something for my vertical pins to be pinable? Or, is it just automatic?

brichnow21 Premium Plus
Jim, the first one of mine to be updated or scratched completely, is my site landing page!! Dec 2017?
Yes, think I need to do this! LOL
JKulk1 Premium
Go for it Barbara.
YvonneBray Premium
Great post-Jim, thank you for the reminder.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Yvonne.
YvonneBray Premium
Your welcome
Zoopie Premium
Great Jim.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Stephen.
LloydHarry1 Premium
Thanks for sharing information that I needed to hear.
I wish you Sir continued success in personal and professional life.
JKulk1 Premium
Thank you Lloyd. And I wish the same for you.