7 Day Post Challenge
Rated 9.8 out of 10 :
Training by JoyNelson
Premium Member Since: Aug 15, 2016
Followers: 6106
Description Whether you are an affiliate marketer, freelance writer, blogger, or coach, if you are maintaining a blog, your most important task is content creation. I challenge you to join me on the 7 Day Post Challenge. The 7 Day Post Challenge is simple; all you have to do is write, publish and share (by commenting) one blog post every day for 7 consecutive days. I will personally comment on your site/post and I will also give you feedback (via private message) on each of your 7 posts. I dare you to get out your laptop and join me on the 7 Day Post Challenge! See you on the other side!
Course Benefits & Learning Outcomes
Develop positive writing habits
Increase your confidence
Enhance and expand your blogging skills
Learn how to use images to visually enhance your posts
Gain a deeper understanding of who your target audience is
Expand your understanding of organic SEO techniques
Member Reviews (6)
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Rank 479
ArtByHeart rated this Course 10/10
This is simply a wonderful idea! I will join tomorrow as I don't want to wait until Monday, but 3.10am seems bit late for starting a new blog post, even by my standards :-)
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Rank 70186
Riikka rated this Course 10/10
This is awesome! I will do this, but in finnish so you probably don't understand it :D
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Rank 7212
KeithWilhelm rated this Course 10/10
When I came across this 7 Day Post Challange I was all excited. I have been a little behind on my blogging and thought this just might get me back in the swing of things. It did. Big time. But what I didn't realize was that this is more than just a writing more blog posts challenge.

This program grabs you and shows you the little things that a good blog post should have in it.

What good is a blog post if no one reads it? On the positive side, it's good writing practice. On the negative side, you might as well shred the post when you are done with it if no one reads it.

So stop what you are doing and take the time to accept the 7 Day Post Challange Joy Nelson so cleverly crafted. It will beef up your writing in ways that you can't imagine.

You also will thank Joy.
Thanks Joy.
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Rank 7150
Simowatto rated this Course 10/10
This is a wonderful idea as I have read that if you are a relatively well established site and post at least once a day then your ranking greatly improves? Well, I say, it cannot hurt but to try it. This challenge has definitely given me the impetus to blog like crazy (Or so it feels) over the coming weeks and hopefully far beyond this, as I have been neglecting to keep on top of the blogging aspect of things as I have become obsessed with eliminating JS and CSS in the above the fold content lol.
Great idea, nice one!
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