Yes I said it, stalk your prospects. Learn about them in a non-creepy way before making a connection. Don’t creep the prospects out by telling them that you are stalking them (you’d be surprised). Just do some small homework on them and mention some fine points about them you noticed and they should be impressed by your words. Visit their website, look at their bio, look at other social accounts, whatever you have to do to get some background.

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Yogain Premium
I will start using Twitter, Sgreen2016 use it as the best platform, thanks, great video training.
Sgreen2016 Premium
Twitter is the best platform for me at this time. I diligently work on the others but Twitter makes it so easy and the networking is phenomenal! ~Sherry
dvilla410 Premium
Awesome info. Good timing as I'm just getting started in the twitter game
GeekHibrid Premium
Glad to be of help brotha!
yha67 Premium
Very good training! Thanks.
GeekHibrid Premium
No problem...glad to help you guys
scottdp Premium
Always love your training blogs. Thank you for providing this valuable information. and love your logo. Im designing one to help brand my watercolor painting community on Goolge+.
Wish you continued success !!
GeekHibrid Premium
That sounds interesting Scott! How long have you been an artist?
scottdp Premium
I was 5 when I started pencil sketching. Went to vo-tech to go into advertising, then i got confused with the commercial side of art, I'm really a fine artist at heart. So being 19 and losing my sense of want direction i should go in I jioned the US Marine Corp, and that totally change my life. So long story short, Ive done my watercolors on and off from mid. 1990s. I do believe being here at WA I will be able to make it as an artist. Most artist are in the starving category.
GeekHibrid Premium
I that's an interesting story...I wish you great blessings
scottdp Premium
Thank you, blessing to you also