Size Does Matter when it comes to Images

When you place an images onto your website try and make them as tiny as possible in bytes size so it doesn't take long for the image to load.

Whether it's a JPG, GIF or PNG the file size is best not to exceed 100 KB lower is better.

JPG - Images are the best to use do to the quality of the image and will save on bytes.

GIF - Images are good for cartoon or art like drawings.

PNG - Images are ok it's a more high end quality and will increase the image bytes size.

B = Byte
KB = Kilobyte
MB = Megabyte
GB = Gigabyte
TB = Terabyte
PB = Petabyte

There is a great website that you can use to decrease the byte size of your images.

The 2nd time saving thing to do for your website

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AunteeSha Premium
Thank you for the advice. Just created my website last night and I'm just a little lost, but this will help
MKearns Premium
Quick and effective. A good take on newbie orientation!
karden Premium
Hi Michael,

Yep we were all newbies at one time. We still kind of are there is always something new to learn.

zmcguire Premium
I just created my website today and as I'm editing it I'm sure this information will come in handy, thanks!
karden Premium
Welcome to WA

There is so much to learn but it will be well worth it. This was a lesson we learned after we already started our website and had to take the time to corrected things. Figure we share our mistake to help others.

Best of Luck In WA :)