Oh before we get into things, being a bit of a wordpress theme junkie I couldn't help myself from trying out the "All In One Theme" that's on their now. It's been a bit buggy but I like help out with testing whenever I can.

So back to the wordpress site set-up -

The Basic site structure is done now. and I have added a few more reviews to the site. The categories have been set and the appropriate tags used from the list Jaaxy threw up at us. I'm chuffed to say we spent all of 2 weeks on the front page then... "Houston We Have A Problem!"

The site dropped from the serps. I though nothing of it at first, I've seen my sites do the 'google dance' as it's called and re-appear a few weeks later after the an algorithm change. The funny thing was I dropped from the serps but gained PR1 strange eh!

I checked and noticed something rather encouraging......

Even though we dropped of the front page and in fact could not even be found for the target KW "Crossbow Reviews" long tailed options were dragging me back up the ranks,

So I have switched my tact... (That's why I have set the top menu as it is now) I also added the Advanced tag list plugin and named the widget Crossbow topic's. I think that looks a lot better than a cloud.

The Slap back next ....

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bettahman Premium
Thanx a bunch mark
bettahman Premium
great lesson!! what app do you use to capture your screens?
Mark Tait Premium
Hi Mario - I'm not sure what Tony used - looks maybe like Ashampoo Snap?

Either way, there are a few screen capture tools you can use:

Ashampoo Snap
Adobe Captivate
Gadwin Screencapture

All vary in features, but I used to use Captivate, I then used for a long time Snap, and within the last month or so, I've found and love Screencast-o-matic.

I hope this helps you find a good useful tool,

All the best, Mark
mission0ps Premium
I used snagit from techsmith ;)http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.html
uempowrd99 Premium
Hey there, just wanted to ask on page 6 of this, what software did you use to display the keyword rankings on google, bing and yahoo?

Thanks :)
mission0ps Premium
Hiya bud, its SEO powee suite
mission0ps Premium
Glad you found it so Justin.../ Cheers
Very helpful, thanks!