By far the most common way of displaying your content, posts are the lifeblood of any Wordpress site.

In essence they are just like a Word document, you write your content add links, images, videos etc and publish it for the world to see.

Adding a post is simple.

In Wordpress on the menu on the left is a link titled Posts. If you click it or hover over it some further options appear, click Add New.

This will take you to the new posts page, where you can add a title and the content. You can do all sorts of other things here too like add featured images, SEO (search engine optimization) techniques and so on.

But for now its OK just to add a title and some content. Once that is done, click the Publish button on the top right area. And thats it. Easy eh?

This will now appear on your website in a blog fashion (so the newest is always at the top).

The great thing about posts is that you can also add things called Tags and Categories. These are ways in which you can mark your articles for a particular genre or topic, and further down the line you can use these to manipulate which posts are shown and where.

I will be talking about tag and categories in later training.

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Lili D Premium
Hi Apina and thank you for your helpful tips.

Currenty, what I am doing now ,is exactly the opposite of what you (and the other Wordpress veterans :) are advising: I use one of my static pages as a place for my articles. I know, this is not the right thing and I am trying to think out a better way of posting my content. Honestly , I don't like the blog structure, where posts don't belong anywhere. I prefer to have 2 or 3 pages where I can post articles of 2 different categories, so that people can easily find what they are looking for.

To get a better clue of what I am trying to explain: My website is about travelling to a country. I would like to have one page about the resorts and another page about the other places to visit in that country.

My idea is to post part of each article on the corresponing page and to put a link which will direct the people to the whole article (something like the"read more" link). But I don't know how to do that...

I would love to hear your opinion.

Apina Premium

Thats what you want. Use posts (as pages cannot have categories) and attach a category to the post, lets say 5 posts have Resort as a category and 10 have Sightseeing.

You can then add the Category to your menu (see custom menus) so when a person clicks it they will see all posts in that category. You can further reduce the size of what they initially see by using a Post Excerpt.

Hopefully the theme you have can do that for you otherwise it becomes tiresome to do manually.

If you look at my site, every thing on the menu is a category. Each one leads to a list of posts in that category, and you can click a post to see the full article. Structured, easy to navigate and uses POSTS

kiwinana Premium
Thanks, that was a great help for me to understand what happens with posts and pages.
Apina Premium
No problem, glad it helped!
missng820 Premium
THANK YOU! This helped answer my main question/frustration of the day! :)
Apina Premium
No problem at all
Ronan-Mark Premium
Thank-you very much Dean. I was uncertain about when to use pages and posts. Cheers.
Apina Premium
You're welcome!
Acklins Premium
Very informative, a nice read.