How the "Make Money Online" Process Works!
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by Kyle

Welcome back to Class 2! We are going to be getting into the nitty gritty of "making money online" and I am going to be walking you through the process of effectively monetizing your website through affiliate marketing.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get into the mechanics of driving traffic (the basis of all successful businesses online) and earning through affiliate programs.

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Learn how the "Affiliate Marketing" process works

There are 3 steps to YOUR success in affiliate marketing. Many people tend to make things more complex than they are when starting out, and I want to ease you into the process because it isn't as complex as you may think.

Here is what the diagram looks like.

3 steps to success in business
You can see there is a 3-Step process shown above, let's have a look at these items and understand just how they are going to play role in your success moving forward.

  1. Choose Your Business Idea: Every business starts with a direction. This direction can be anything you want, there are millions of niches online and they are ALL lucrative and full of opportunity. If you choose a niche that you are passionate about or interested in, that is when the fun begins.
  2. Get Traffic: Without people coming to your business, you have no business. That is why our first focus is establishing an audience within your niche. Once you have traffic coming to your website, you are going to be able to monetize that traffic through affiliate marketing (and other means).
  3. Earn Money $$$: Once you have traffic, there opportunities are endless. Within affiliate marketing alone you can promote over 550 MILLION products/services, with commissions ranging from a few dollars, to $1,000's. Think of it this way, to earn $100,000 per year online, you simply need to sell a product that pays a $50 commission (there are tons of these) and to sell 6 of these per day!

If you can understand this process, and you follow through the training here at Wealthy Affiliate and take action on it, you are going to become very skilled in making this happen within ANY niche...and through time through many different niches.

In our next class, you are going to be learning how to use Wealthy Affiliate’s Article Designer and Author platforms to create content efficiently, staring with the "About Me" post on your website. In fact, 5-10x faster than has ever been possible!

This will be crucial in building trust with your audience, and it is your first step in establishing an audience.

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Learn how the "Affiliate Marketing" process works

If you have any questions at all about the process of becoming a successful affiliate, or how affiliate marketing works, drop it in the comments below. I'll be happy to help!

What You’ll Learn
Learning how the "Affiliate Marketing" process works
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