Creating Helpful Content That Ranks
by Kyle

Today we are going to be discussing the process of creating “keyword rich” content, in other words, content built on the keyword ideas that we started in the last lesson.

So the process looks like this:

  1. Choose Keyword
  2. Create an article outline for that keyword.
  3. Write the actual article
  4. Publish it

The beauty of doing performing this process within Wealthy Affiliate is not just the fact that you have access to the Hubs platform (which takes care of the research), it connects directly to the SiteContent platform here at WA where you going to be able to use our AI Article Designer, to help you efficiently construct your actual content.

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Understand the formula for engaging content
  • Create an article outline for your first “keyword rich” blog post (using the AI Article Designer)
  • Write Your First Keyword Rich Blog Post
  • Publish Your Post.

Brilliant, fast, and efficient. The AI Article Designer alone is going to save you hours of potential time doing research, by offering you high quality outlines for your content. So it takes all the legwork and heavy lifting out of the process. Outlines that are ready for search engines, and ready for you to simply build out the content.

But we are not just creating ANY content…

We are creating engaging content. Engaging content does more than just hold a reader's attention. It captivates, educates, and even compels action. It focuses on the “intent” of the keyword search, and offers a comprehensive solution.

In the lesson, we are really going to focus on this. Let’s look at the initial “key elements” of this formula, and then look at the application of these in your content. These are the components of your article that the AI Article Designer can automate and help you out with.

  1. Value Proposition. Each piece of content should start with a strong value proposition. This is the 'why' of your content. It's the promise that inspires your reader to stick around and invest their time. Ask yourself, from the reader's perspective, 'What's in it for me?'
  2. Structure and Flow. The journey through your content needs to be smooth. Break up your material into digestible chunks. Make smart use of headers and bullet points. Lean into short paragraphs. Clean and clear communication helps your message hit home.
  3. Multimedia Integration. Visual aids aren't just for aesthetics. Videos, images, infographics, they all serve a purpose. Throughout your text, integrate engaging media elements. They enhance understanding, up engagement, and cater to diverse learning styles.
  4. Call To Action. Think of this as your story's climax. After all your insights and information, what next? A strong CTA answers this. Whether it's to discuss more in the comments, sign up for a newsletter, or explore your product, a definitive CTA keeps the conversation going.

Combining these elements, we start to begin to see the foundations of engaging content. The key remains balance. Each element complements the other, creating a comprehensive, captivating whole. But the story doesn’t end there. Let's explore more.

Creating Your Article Outlines, Using the AI Article Designer.

At Wealthy Affiliate our goal is to simplify processes, through technology. You have seen this from everything from niche to brand selection, to the creation of your website and your hub up to this point.

Now we are going to be introducing you to our AI Article Designer, which is going to help you research and architect your outlines for your posts. What once took hours to accomplish (through manual research), can now be done in less than a minute using our Article Designer, which is driven by the latest in artificial intelligence, and helps you create a high quality, SEO-ready, framework for your articles.

This is included within the SiteContent platform which is connected directly to your Hubs, which is where you will be initiating all of your content as you move forward with your website/business.

Within “Your Writing Tasks” section within hubs, you are going to be able to add:

This is where you will be able to initiate the writing process, using the A Article Designer (watch the video of this lesson for full instructions.

You can literally have MANY outlines for your content within minutes, using this platform and then they will be ready for your to write out the content.

NOTE: As a Premium member, you get 1,500 word credits (enough for 15 outlines per month). Premium Plus+ get 3,000 word credits (enough for 30 outlines per month) . These are enough to drive a full time, highly successful website.

Writing Content for Search Engines.

OK, you have your outline in place, now what. Let’s shift gears to creating web content, how to create high ranking web content.

Remember, at its core, your content is for your audience, the humans who will resonate with your words, your REAL readers. Therefore, your voice must be authentic, consistent, and relatable. Authenticity creates connection. Connection sparks engagement. Engagement triggers sharing, revisiting, and, ultimately, conversions.

There are a few rules I want you to follow, when you build out your content. They are not complex, and they are the basis of Google’s Helpful Content System , and their Google Raters E-E-A-T Guidelines.

Rule #1: Don’t write for search engines, write for the INTENT of your audience. Your content should answer the information that the user is looking for, and do so in a helpful way. If your blog topic (article) is about “the top 3 skills to improve your jump shot”, then you want to FULFILL that exact topic in a comprehensive manner and do so in an authoritative way

Rule #2: Don’t try to stuff keywords throughout your content. That will not trick Google into ranking your content. Instead, write relevant, and helpful content and do so naturally.

Rule #3: Be thorough, but not diluted.. Yes, your content needs to be valuable, not voluminous. In the eyes of search engines, a shorter, highly informative piece outperforms a diluted, lengthy one. Keep it comprehensive, up-to-date, and remember to offer actionable takeaways. A visitor on your website should not have to go back to Google to find out the information they are after…the should be getting that on your website.

Rule #4: Don’t be afraid to do extra research. As you write out your article, you can do extra research using Google Search or ChatGPT. Remember, we are targeting low competition keywords, so your content just needs to be marginally better than the top ranked content for that search term and you will start to rank well.

And let's not forget the behind-the-scenes factors, including the meta titles and descriptions. They might be invisible to your readers, but to search engines, they help with your content discoverability. These are going to be fully automated for you, and we are going to be showing you exactly how to do this in an upcoming lesson.

There you have it. Give your first keyword rich content blog post a whirl, get it published, and don’t worry about being PERFECT your first post. Get it up, get it live, as this is a crucial first step of your confidence and will lead to early stage indexing.

Some Useful Extra Reads:

Google Helpful Content

Google E-E-A-T

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Understand the formula for engaging content
  • Create an article outline for your first “keyword rich” blog post (using the AI Article Designer)
  • Write Your First Keyword Rich Blog Post
  • Publish Your Post.