Keyword Research with Jaaxy
by Kyle

Welcome back, just in time for some “keyword research”.In this class we are going to acquaint you with the idea and the importance of keywords in your business, and introduce you to the fascinating world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Learning about the SiteContent Platform
  • Understand the importance of the QSR Metric
  • Find and add 10 potential low competition keywords to your Writing Tasks

Now that you have your website up and running, your initial focus is going to be building out helpful and quality content on your website that targets, with the intent of getting rankings in Google, Bing and Yahoo. When someone types in that keyword in Google, the idea is that you want your website to show up HIGH in the rankings…and this leads to visitors coming to your website. As complex as this idea seems, it is something that you can accomplish at a high rate and is a process that can lead to a full-time income, without having to spend a dime on advertising.

When you start to rank your content, you are going to start to get TRAFFIC. Traffic leads to opportunity…and success.

So building this audience (traffic) is going to be our first focus, before we ever worry about the “money” part of our business.

But success isn't about merely finding “popular” keywords - there is a bit more to it than that. We're digging for low competition keywords, with some volume of “traffic”...and when you combine the two, you are going to be destined for rankings, traffic and success.

So this is the first key stage in your business, understanding WHICH keywords you are going to want to choose to build your content around. To accomplish this, you need a tool that's both effective and efficient. Enter Jaaxy (plus Hubs).

Jaaxy is going to serve as your SEO compass moving forward, and is included with your membership here. As a Starter, you can test it out in a limited fashion, and if you are reading this you likely are a Premium or Premium Plus+ member and you have unlimited access to keyword searches, which will help you quickly determine viable keyword opportunities through the QSR metric.

QSR, or Quoted Search Results, truly sets it a class apart, and will help you uncover unlimited “low competition” keywords in any and every niche.

This is going to help you determine your “exact” competition in Google.

Exploring the Power of HUBS + Jaaxy

We all want tools that raise our game and give us a competitive advantage. The Hubs + Jaaxy combo is going to do that by allowing you to get data insights into your target keywords as you are researching content ideas.

Firstly, what is Jaaxy? Jaaxy is a sophisticated research platform that is going to allow you to search and analyze keywords related to your niche. If you click the Jaaxy icon any time through Hubs, it will load that keyword search in Jaaxy, providing you with data related to that keyword and others.

Jaaxy Icon - HubsIt will help you master keywords, but it also shines in other arenas. Want to dive into competitor analysis? Jaaxy's got it. Need to check your site rankings? Jaaxy's can help you with that. It’s a tool that offers a suite of functions that will help you with various aspects of your online business, all aimed to help you win within the SEO world.

The most frequent aspect of Jaaxy that you will be using as you move forward with your business is the keyword search side of things (see below).

Jaaxy Results - Dribbling

Within the results you are going to notice the following columns of data:

  • AVG. This is the average traffic this keyword gets per month in search engines.
  • Traffic. This is the anticipated "clicks" you can expect if you get ranked within the top 3 results in search.
  • QSR (Quoted Search Results). This is the true competition, the total # of pages in Google that have this exact search term on it.
  • KQI (Keyword Quality Index). This is an indicator of the keyword quality, in terms of the long-tail nature of it.
  • SEO. This is the viability score for Search Engine Optimization.
  • Domains. These are the domains that are available, under that exact search term. This searches for .com, .net.and .org domains.

You can also access Jaaxy at any time by clicking the Research tab in the top menu.

Now I want to explain QSR, and the crucial role it will play in your keyword selection moving forward.

The Crucial Role of QSR (Quoted Search Results) in Keyword Research

QSR. It’s a term you'll encounter frequently as you start using Jaaxy, and I am going to help you understand what it is, and why this piece of data matters to you and your business.

In the world of SEO, QSR—Quoted Search Results, represents the EXACT number of websites vying for rankings on Google for a specific keyword. It’s a snapshot of your competition. With this metric, Jaaxy is painting an accurate picture of the competition you are up against. The lower the QSR, the less the competition.

For example, if a keyword has a QSR of 15, that means that there are only 15 pages in all of Google that have that particular keyword on it. That would be deemed as “low competition”. In fact, a score of 50 QSR or less in Google is considered low competition, and is an ideal benchmark for keywords that you should target within your first year of your website.

While a low QSR score captures your interest, it must always be balanced against the actual search volume, and the fact that the keyword must make sense. That leads me to my THREE keyword rules when choosing a target keyword on your website.

RULE #1: QSR Under 50. The lower the competition the better, you want to aim to have less than 50 competing websites in all of Google, the closer to 0 the less competition. You wil be able to find lots of keywords like this.

RULE #2: Some Traffic. You want the keyword to get some traffic, ideally over 30 “traffic” volume per month, but any traffic is good. The beauty of SEO is that when you target a keyword phrase, you are also naturally targeting the keywords within that broader phrase.

RULE #3: Keyword Must Make Grammatical Sense. You don’t want to target keywords that are not within a phrase that makes grammatical sense. For example, “how make money on internet” is not a great keyword, and your real competition will be “how to make money on the internet”, so the final keyword research you do should be on the keyword that makes sense.

OK, now that we have the keyword rules down, let’s discuss how to map out your content ideas using Hubs with Jaaxy.

Mapping Keywords to Content Ideas with Hubs

Let’s circle back now to the Hubs platform, your homebase for content ideas. As you move forward you will be leveraging the Business Hubs platform for all of your content ideas, and your keyword research. This is where you can also manage your writing tasks.

If you remember from lesson 1 when I overviewed the Hubs environment, I outlined the various aspects of Hubs that you are going to be using to manage hubs. Let’s have another look here and how you will propel your content, your rankings, and your traffic as you move forward.

Remember, keyword rich content is going to be your gateway to traffic as you move forward.

Your Milestones. These are not just writing milestones, but milestones in your business. As you start to build out your website and content, you are going to open your doors to the ability to earn money through affiliate programs, through advertising networks, and establishing authority and traffic in your respective niche.

Website Structure & Organization. This section is going to help you discover a broader blueprint for your business, and categories that you can touch on within your niche. The research is done for you, and this will give you over 200 high opportunity content ideas that you can use to build out your business.

Task Manager. Manage your writing task through the “To Do” list. This is going to help you streamline your entire business, and give you a focused road map to success within your respective niche. You can add ideas to this list at any point, and it will be pre-loaded with some initial key pages that you want to add to your website.

Niche Research. This is where it gets really fun, you are going to be able to get “ideas galore” related to your niche. This is going to provide you with 100’s of low competition, and highly targeted ideas across your niche that you can use to build out your business.

As you navigate hubs, and come up with ideas, you are going to be able to efficiently add them to the “Your Writing Tasks” section. This is going to help you create a game plan for your upcoming content, and within the next lesson we are going to be focusing on the process of creating content…which can be done with more efficiency than ever using our Article Design platform.

Nice work on your progress thus far!

Tasks for this Lesson:

  • Learning about the SiteContent Platform
  • Understand the importance of the QSR Metric
  • Find and add 10 potential low competition keywords to your Writing Tasks