Driving Engagement With a Related Posts Section
by TimMcKinlay
One of the most effective ways to improve your site's overall success, other than creating awesome content, is to get people to click through and read other posts you've created that interest them.

And I recently came across a cool "hack" that allows you to add a beautiful-looking "related posts" section to the end of your content using GeneratePress, which I now use on my sites.

This isn't difficult to do but, in my opinion, can make a HUGE difference to your site. Why? Because not only can this give people more value, but it can incentivize them to click through to other pages on your site, spend more time reading your content, and potentially even revisit your site more often since they've enjoyed your content so much. And all of that, in turn, can lead to more traffic and, in the long run, more revenue.