Writing a blog post is similar to creating an email: you need to assign a title, write a message, and hit a link/button to send your message.

Note: Wordpress allows you to collapse the modules inside the add post webpage according to you preferences. The only part of the page that you can’t control is the post and title box (i.e. the part where you write the post). Here are the things you need to do to create a post:

Log into your wordpress, hover over posts and hit ad new. Your screen will show you this:

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startouched Premium
Thank you for sharing! Very well done!!
GeekHibrid Premium
Thanks Star! Appreciate you
NazmiBudiman Premium
Thank you for the revision. I enjoyed it.
GeekHibrid Premium
No problem....refreshment is needed sometimes...lol
kvchung Premium
Thanks GeekHibrid, this was very helpful. Creating the posts seem rather intuitive, like creating the pages but it's always good to have a confirmation of how it's done. Kinda fun learning through exploration too.
GeekHibrid Premium
Yes Indeed! I totally agree....sometimes I like to cater to the clueless....lol
Yogain Premium
Thanks, Geek for the instructions.
GeekHibrid Premium
No problem!