There are already some good lessons and training about what Wealthy Affiliate is, but I just want to put it in easy, simple terms that everyone can understand. You can refer to the other lessons by looking into “Training” here at Wealthy Affiliate. This is not designed to replace those lessons.

For any organization to survive, it must have a purpose. There must be a motive, a reason for its existence. Without a purpose it is like a ship without a rudder – it will flounder in the water.

Wealthy Affiliate has a compass, rudder and a purpose. In this brief lesson, I hope to explain it in terms we can all understand.

First, look at the name:

Wealthy, what comes to your mind when you see this? Abundance, more than enough, rich, money, all these words can sum up the first part of the name. But is that enough? It is possible to be wealthy and be in poor health. You can have all the money in the world and still be miserable.

Exactly what does Wealthy mean to you? To me, it means abundance. An abundance of training abundance of opportunities, abundance of support, abundance of tools to work with. That’s what Wealthy means to me.

We will explore each of these in detail, but first, define what Wealthy means to you. It is important for you to understand this or your motives may lead you down a path you don’t want to go in your pursuit of success and happiness.

Affiliate – what is an affiliate? Let’s see how Webster’s dictionary describes it:

“to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch”.

So, we are “members” or have a “close connection” with an organization.

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BorisRoman Premium Plus
Thank you so much for refining our paths here, Joe!

Wish you much success!

Joes946 Premium
Thanks Bob
edhozubin Premium
Joe946 - I agree 100%. There are 2 extremes, Make money and the other being helping people while making little or no money. Everybody else fall somewhere in between. Many people are driven by life's good fortunes and other by life's bad fortunes. I came upon Anthony Hu today that has done so much for cancer and other Health tragedies with his Blogg that I would put him up there with Mother Theresa. Life's peaks & valley's shape us all at one time or another. Keep up the good work Joe.
Joes946 Premium
loughcrew Premium
Great way of putting the whole concept of WA, now I can go on re-think my definition of wealthy.. thank you
Joes946 Premium
Ann41 Premium
thank-you for sharing the value thankyou
Kachunda Premium
Much appreciated. Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to describe this great platform and what it is all about. Your training has just made our work as ambassadors of WA much easier.

Joes946 Premium