HTML Image Tags

Adding images to your website or post will help bring character to your work. The HTML image tags is different from the other tags that you learned about in this tutorial.

You will learn how to add an image tag to your HTML file. Once you add your picture, you will also learn how to turn that image into a clickable link.

It's the same old song, but yet so different. Now let's get the picture.

  1. This is an open image tag <img>.
  2. You will need to tell the image tag where to retrieve the image from on the Internet. Using the src tag will help you with this process. All images have their own URL which is placed after the src.
  3. This is the image close tag />.
  4. The image tag is placed between the open and closed body tags.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>

An image tag with a link that is created properly will look like the one above

An image only tag that is created properly will look like the one below.

<img scr=""/>

If you have any questions about html image tags, please use the dussicion group or send me an PM here at Wealthy Affiliate.

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WilliamBH Premium
Thanks LeNard .. I found that a very useful explanation. Cheers, William.
seconds2work Premium
Thank you William, I plan to put out more training like this
MKearns Premium
It's been around a long time. I used to do some raw coding in it 15 years ago!
seconds2work Premium
Back in the 1990's I started learning WYSISYG ( what you see is what you get)

It's the same, just about.

Thanks Michael
JohnFry Premium
Thanks for the information!
seconds2work Premium
Thank you John
kasage00 Premium
thanks for sharing!
seconds2work Premium
Thank you Karin, for checking it out
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing.
seconds2work Premium
You're welcome Roger