Author Tmgreen
Rank 192093

Learn how to easily use IFTTT to automate your posts to social media accounts.

  • Save a ton of time.
  • Fully automate the sharing of your website posts and pages without the use of expensive, complicated, and resource hogging WordPress Plugins.
  • Automate the sharing of other information to your social media.
  • Works with any social media account that IFTTT currently has a service for. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Tumblr, and many more.
  • Publish directly from your WordPress Dashboard or Site Content.
  • Track all your automated social media posts in one place, automatically.
  • Fully customizable.
  • Uses RSS, so no worries about security with XML-RPC (you can't use it on WA hosted sites anyway).
  • Get creative and see how much time you can save.
  • All for FREE

Although this training video focuses on Facebook and Twitter, you can easily replace or add other social media accounts to suit your needs.

Note: The video example uses the WordPress Dashboard to publish posts, however, you can publish straight from Site Content. If you publish from Site Content I would put your featured image at the top of the article initially, just in case the IFTTT applet picks up your post in the RSS Feed before you have a chance to add a featured image.

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Thank you kindly for the IFTTT training. Based on my health condifion, automation is yhe way to go.
Setting this up will make my efforts on line lrss complicated.

Best regards,
Tmgreen Premium
Your welcome. Glad you found it useful.

Best Wishes,

Selenityjade Premium
Thanks so much for this, Michael! I wonder if people know what IFTTT is here. :)
Tmgreen Premium
Your welcome.