Twitter is basically a quick way to blog. Messages (tweets) are limited to 140 characters and are sent to your followers.

Your tweets can include a link to any web Webpage.

When you post a “tweet,” your followers see it. They have the ability to

re-tweet to their followers. That can make your tweet go viral.

When your followers share your message by “retweeting,” or joining your conversation by

sending a “@reply,” you tap into ALL of their networks. If their followers become interested in your tweets, they too, will follow you, thus also growing your network.

Example: You a top marketer has 25,000 followers and you follow 2,000 of them

in 10 days. About 800 people will follow you back. They become your “personal


If each of these 800 people has 3,000 followers. Then your entire “potential network” is

2.4 million people (800 x 3,000.)

Everyone will not retweet your postings, but even a few people retweeting can account for thousands of additional exposures and followers. Your followers can quickly reach 5,000 or even 50,000 followers and you can do the same thing with multiple accounts. Of course, Twitter makes it difficult to reach those kinds of numbers, but over time it is possible.

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AZechinato Premium
Thank you Bill. Great training. Love twitter....but need to use more often. Very grateful.
CarlaIves Premium
Nice, Bill! I've been on Twitter for years but don't really use it correctly. Some great tips here. I finally have more followers than I'm following. I have to figure out who's not following me back. I never pay attention to that.
MaggieG Premium
Hey Bill ..... going to take a little bit of time to get my head around Twitter ... great training ... thank you ...ever so grateful x
WillingToTry Premium
I guess its about time I got involved in twitter! Thanks for providing this excellent training Bill!
Bennyfacter Premium
I have never realized how to utilize twitter before, thanks for the great training!!!