I have come to the realization that many new affiliate marketers are really confused about link terms, such asURL, domain name, affiliate link andhoplink. Believe me I understand the confusion and I can still remember when I didn’t know what a URL link was myself.

This short and easy tutorial will give you a quick easy clarification on what those terms mean, and you should not be confused about them any further.

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Noria Premium
How do I get an affiliate link to become a wealthyAffiliate Affiliate
As precribed on the sept two for newbies to get a website up and running to promote WA? I have be stuck on linking sites since Friday I have worked over 40 hours trying to get is have been rejected on streetarticle 4 times and this morning I got so mad I blew out my website to start again.
I am not starting anything until I understand how to link up sites
Need some help I am in week 2 of this training and feel I am in week O
freenspirit Premium
Very good basic, simple explanation regarding links. Thanks much.
microbiek Premium
Very good basic, simple explanation regarding links. Thanks much.
BobDancer Premium
Thanks. That cleared a lot up for me.
1magus2 Premium
Thanks. That cleared a lot up for me.