This is the biggest factor to why no one ever succeeds to their desired level in IM. There is just so much online to absorb, when really the concepts aren't that hard to grasp. You've just got to block your ears to all that virtual noise.

Personally, I learn better by seeing the big picture first, ie. what's expected of me, what the final product is supposed to look like, etc, before focusing on the nitty gritty fine details within.

This may not be the way that you roll, all I'm suggesting is that you find out the best way that you can CUT through the distractions.

OK, say you go onto google and intend to research "how to set up a landing page". Obviously, you'll get millions of entries relating to this. What I do? Focus on the first page only, click on each one and make a precis (summary) of what's there.

A general rule that I follow is "you know it's good information when it takes little effort for you to understand it". It's one of my own quotes, hehe. Seriously though, you've all read Travis', Kyle's and Carson's posts by now. They are unbelievably useful but so simple in essence.

My point is, don't be lazy to find information like anyone else finds it, ie via google, but don't waste time writing up summaries for information that you don't have a hope for understanding, simply because it isn't straight-forward.

Not sure if you fully understand something? Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. "what have I learnt?" (should be the information you summarized.)
  2. "can I explain it to someone else?" (a true test for understanding a topic.)
  3. "what action can I take from it?" (the most important IM step can't be done without a solid foundation.)

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