Top 15 Mobile SEO Best Practices

Your top priority is to make your site mobile-friendly.

Optimizing your mobile website requires you to improve its performance and provide a great user experience.

This SEO basics tutorial will give you an overview of how you can improve your mobile website.

Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?

If your answer is yes, then:

  • Users can complete their tasks quickly and enjoy the process.
  • It loads appropriately on mobile devices such as a tablet or Smartphone.
  • It loads lightning-fast
  • It presents content in an easy-to-read format, so users don't have to pinch or zoom.
  • It provides plenty of room for navigation by touch
  • Mobile users get added value
  • Search engines can instantly understand it.

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RCanty Premium Plus
Very enlightening! This list of mobile best practices is right on time. It give the information necessary for you to vastly improve a website inclusive of mobile devices. I appreciate your writing!

muslimah Premium
Good to know you find it helpful.
And thank you for the comment, Canty.
Jenell44 Premium
Mobile friendly websites are so important today. Thanks Muslimah.
muslimah Premium
You are welcome, Jenny.
Thank you for the comment.
Feochadan Premium Plus
Two other things:

1. Tech Support recommends against Amp because it can screw up your website and “ Yes, as the site speed feature is already enabled on your website and it makes this plugin redundant.”

2. Caching - Tech Support also told me not to use caching plugins because we already have it through WA and it, too, causes conflicts that can break your site. (Been there, done that, screwed up site until deletion of the offending plug in.)

muslimah Premium
Thank you for sharing this helpful information, Darlene.
Feochadan Premium Plus
Awesome tutorial! Do you happen to have the links for the training you mention in the second paragraph of #3?

Thank you so much for this tutorial,

muslimah Premium
I'm not sure I got your question right, Darlene.
But if you mean the page experience. Check the update here
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the excellent tutorial on mobile SEO, Badmos! Keep them coming.

Israel Olatunji
muslimah Premium
I appreciate your comment, Israel.
Thank you.