Have you ever taken the time to pay attention - deep attention - to what you say to yourself?
In a famous experiment, a group of people were asked to write down five (5) of their thoughts about themselves. The findings were insightful.
All members of the group wrote down negative thoughts and feelings about themselves.
The Facilitator then invited each one to reframe what they had written and say the words, face-to-face, to someone they loved.
Each participant froze and everyone in the group refused to tell their loved ones what they had written.
Yet, these were deep-rooted thoughts and feelings about themselves!
Crazy isn't it?!
Here are some more startling research findings:
"According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% ARE NEGATIVE and 95% are repetitive thoughts. If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts."
And we wonder why we struggle to achieve success and positive things in our lives!
Let's take some action to rewire our thoughts and actions and help you Change Your Script.
When we continue along the 'story' that we are not good enough, we continue following that same belief.
There is power in the belief that WE CAN! The more we believe in ourselves that we CAN do something, the better we will feel about ourselves when we complete the task or goal we created.
If you are new to Wealthy Affiliate, take the time to look around. Start the training, ask questions, move forward on your new online journey. Create that website. You never know what you can do unless you make the effort to try something new.