Stay Fit in Body and Mind

There is no success in life that is worth paying for with either your physical of mental health.

If you have all the money in the world yet you are stricken with an catastrophic illness then what good is your money to you then.

Care for yourself both physically and mentally.

Always Eat Right...

Eat a well balanced diet

Proper nutrition can help to prevent a number of health conditions including but not limited to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity. It is essential that you understand the importance of the primary six components of nutrition, and that knowledge will help you to plan a balanced diet. Speak with your health-care provider about a personalized nutritional plan

That balanced diet should consist of the following six items:

Plenty of Water to keep the body hydrated.

Let me share with you however a relatively unknown and unverified fact.

Cottage Cheese is one of the most fattening foods ever.

Okay now realize that I have no scientific facts to back that up, but it must be so, because ain't nothing but fat people eat that stuff.

Get Plenty of Rest

It is estimated that an adult requires 7-9 hours of sleep per night in order to function at their best. Now many of us might fall a bit short of that (I know that I do as I enjoy working when it is quiet around the house so I might be up later and rise earlier than others in the house so that I can write in peace and quiet) but we really should get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night.

It is necessary that we get the rest that we need in order to recharge our batteries so to speak. And being a bit more likely not to do so has caused me to develop a special hypnosis program called the Power Nap which allows the body to recharge in a typical lunch break.

Many great and successful people are known to have napped during the day and you can too. Naps aren't just for kids. They can be used very effectively by young and old alike.

Keeping Yourself Physically Fit

Exercise is also important to our overall health. Now I am not saying you need to go into the gym and pump that iron, but you should have some sort of physical activity regiment that will keep you in shape.

There are numerous resources on the Internet that will help you to determine the best type of workout for yourself. There is no need to have an expensive gym membership. As a matter of fact gyms can be quite intimidating to some. So why subject yourself to that, when you can use an effective body weight training program which will work on both muscle building and the cardio training.

As a matter of fact if you are not exercising regularly you could start off your journey to good health simply by making and keeping the commitment to yourself to go out for a walk each day during your lunch break.

Your Mental Health

Give yourself a check up from the neck up. Emotions play a big role in our mental health, we are concerned about someone or something and we get emotionally charged. But worry and stress in moderation are not necessarily a bad thing but in excess can be catastrophic.

Try to never go to bed angry, doing so let's your mind dwell on whatever it was that made you angry in the first place, and that is simply not good for you. Find the best solutions for problems as quickly as reasonably possible, and do not let issues or problems fester. Work the little things out before they become big things.

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RikaSF Premium
It is really great training. I enjoyed each lesson and feel a lot more motivated and positive. Thanks for sharing Carl:))
cwelliver Premium
Thanks for taking the time to check out my maiden journey into the training arena. Appreciate the feedback.
ContentBySue Premium
Informative training. Lots of information, motivational and enlightening. This would make a great ebook!
cwelliver Premium
Thanks Sue, you are actually the 3rd person to mention that so just might have to do it. Thanks for chiming in
MsMerry Premium
Yup! Awesome and I see a few welts coming up! I have always managed to haul my patootie back up and it is not easy some days but gosh, I hate to think where things would be if I just gave in, so that is not an option. Thank you for a greeeat training.
cwelliver Premium
Thank you for your kind comments I really do appreciate them
verazhelvis Premium
Great job, Dr Carl. Especially liked the part about Yah-Buts. Thanks.:)
cwelliver Premium
That is actually one of my favorites too and after going through the Rubber band Exercise myself and a big old welt on my left arm just above my watch band, I surely did learn (although not so quickly) to change my negative thinking into positive thinking. I went through 3 rubber bands. LOL
verazhelvis Premium
Yes, that's beautiful, but with me now it usually takes one quick switch of the mind to go from negative to positive. It might take longer sometimes, but I usually don't allow myself to dwell in negativity.:)
cwelliver Premium
Oh I don't either any longer but when I was first starting out in all this years ago I was a stubborn old cuss.
verazhelvis Premium
Sure we all had (and still have) sharp edges, but God working on us is much greater than our imperfections.
cwelliver Premium
Amen to that
MKearns Premium
Great job Dr. Carl. A terrific eBook in self purpose. A great way to propel yourself to the top personally and in business!
cwelliver Premium
Thanks Mike I was just doing a blog announcing this training so you get the on top of the game award today for beating me to the punch. As always appreciate the feedback.
MKearns Premium
Rich is the one "beating to the punch" here Even as I answered technically oriented questions this morning I could feel him along side or ahead in the "game". I would close and save the response, go back in and sure enough a post!!
cwelliver Premium
I think he is a machine. But honestly you have to give the guy credit, although him and I may not agree on some points he does put a lot of effort into this.
MKearns Premium
I definitely agree. Appears to be Kyle's super weapon held in reserve for these times!
cwelliver Premium
could even be Kyle in disguise. But no matter who it is he is always in the chat and giving out information and there are people in there that really need the help, so no matter where they get it all that matters is that they get it
MKearns Premium
I don't quite believe he's Kyle. Myself and another member speculated on that point. but he's definitely positioned for instant access on the threads knows everything that Kyle does and clearly is Kyles main man after Jay!