In my life as a motivational author, I love to help other people, and I am often afforded that opportunity, whether I am writing a book, working with a student that finally gets it, or a client in my hypnosis or in my life or business success business, there is never a lack of people who need a little something to get them going, and back on the right track again.

I often motivate people with this Final Charge and now I wish to share with you this as I wrap up this training.

Our life is short, and we have no control over the time we have here on this earth so I offer you this advice... "live each and every day wisely, live it with passion and conviction to be, to do, to live and to love the best that you can."

There is no time to spend consumed in worry, and each moment should be made the most of, and make the next moment better than the preceding one. That is the way to live a truly successful life. A motivated life.

Now during our journey, during our life transformation we may experience fears, doubts, and even resistance along the way, but know that when you have a clearly defined goal or objective that you are willing to pursue with all of your heart, all of your mind, when you step up and face your fears, and when you push yourself beyond your previously held beliefs, well something happens within you.

When that happens, of course, you must exhibit the courage to do what it is you know you must do, and you turn to your friends, to your family, to the public, on the whole, to gain their approval, and during that analysis paralysis you will lose your nerve, after all, others have convinced you that your desires have no value. But has no value to whom? Well to them.

You may be convinced to not follow your dream(s). You may fear the outcome. But, I ask you, how much time do you really have left? Of course, no one knows the answer to that question, no one except your Creator of course.

Isn’t it time that you stop wasting your most valuable resource TIME? If there is something you truly want in your life then you must be relentless and pursue it with reckless abandon. You must be both creative and resourceful. You have to acquire the winner’s quality of endurance. Being able to face inevitable setbacks and defeat, and doing so without ever giving up, this is true power, and although it is unnamed it is a power within us all, and only realized when we know exactly what we want and we are determined that we will not quit until we find it. It resides in you, but you need to learn how to tune out the internal and external critics, those who would say, that is foolish, why you are doing that, you can’t accomplish that. You must plow forward and not let anything stop or sway you.

The majority of people give up on themselves way to easily at the first sign of resistance. Know that you are unstoppable. So you need to live your life with passion, desire, and pride.

Most of us go through our lives with the brakes on. It’s time to lift your foot off the brakes and hit the gas. You have to push yourself. You have what it takes, and today is your day. Do not be denied, not by yourself or by anyone else.

If there was no guarantee of tomorrow then what would you do today? I have never heard of any person on their death bed saying, I wish I had watched more television. NO NO, that thought, as far as I know, has never entered the mind of a person facing their mortality. You only have one opportunity in life. One chance in life to leave behind your legacy and with that in mind wake up realizing that every morning is a new morning, every day a new day, a new chance to make your impact on the world.

So what are you going to do? Is it your desire to excel in this only opportunity of life, or are you willing to settle for mediocrity? Not me my friend, it is my desire to succeed and if you have made it to this point in our journey together I believe that is your desire too.

You must have ambitions, you must have faith, and you must believe in yourself. Your past experiences in life need not determine your future, for you can change that future just by changing your mind. That belief needs to be unquestionable.

When we have faith, we acquire patience, patience, and understanding that we can accomplish greatness. And greatness we shall achieve! It truly is within our grasp. You can make it happen, just as the old Nike Slogan professed, “Just Do IT!”

Fear of success is not something to run from, but something actually to run towards and face with determination. Scream in the face of fear, “you cannot defeat me.” If there is a dream that you desire then you must stay focused, stay focused and get ahead. always moving forward never retreating. You have the ability within yourself to control your own destiny. Nothing can stand in your way.

Your time on this earth is limited so cherish it, and don’t waste it living someone else’s plan for your life. Pursue your dreams; don’t let others choose your destiny or your path for you. Find what it is that you love in life. Make it a career. You do know of course that your career will take up nearly 1/3 of your life and the only way that you can sustain true satisfaction is to do what you have a passion for, doing always what you love. Never work at a job just for the sake of a paycheck.

Along this journey you will work at many jobs but few careers. If you have not yet found your passion, I encourage you to keep on looking, it is out there, and the answer is different for everyone. Follow your heart and your intuition or gut feeling, because even though you may not know what your true calling is they do, and will eventually lead you to it, but there are stopping points along the way, these stopping points are simply learning experiences that will allow you to become the true person that you were meant to be.

Growth is a necessary along the way, but the real challenge of growth comes when you get knocked on your butt, and need to pick yourself, back up and dust yourself off, and continue moving forward.

Now of course when you come to that point in your life that a career change is necessary either based on your choice or an external influence be it a layoff or downsizing, wondering just how you are going to survive, well at that time you must summon the courage to move forward. You have what it takes to not only survive but to thrive. And thrive you will.

The way to truly prove yourself is to better yourself, take the bull by the horns, and push forward, travel into those yet uncharted waters.

Is it time that you asked yourself that all important question? What is it that you really want in life, out of life? Are you perfectly content in your current circumstances, or do you want, need, and desire more?

When you first came here you wanted to change, you desired change, and we have given you the tools to effect that change.

Is all you ever wanted out of life what everyone else had? Do you desire to just live in the status quo? Or do you choose to be different? Choose to excel at whatever it is you desire? If those are not your goals then why bother?

What does it really mean to succeed? What are the prices associated with success? How could you possibly ever achieve greatness? After all, we live in a world of over promising and under delivering. Where peoples walk often does not live up to their talk. So what does it really mean?

What does it really take to be a leader? Well, a leader is often one who would not call themselves a leader. But a leader is one who has seized their opportunity to be better than the rest, one that is happy and feeling fulfilled working when their “friends” are out partying.

It is essential that you shift your mindset from where you were yesterday, last week, or last year to where you truly desire to be tomorrow and beyond. Proclaiming to yourself with passion and desire that you will make it, possibly not by tomorrow, but you will make it absolutely, and without question. No if's and's or but's about it.

Your success once you are determined to achieve it is not a possibility but a fact of life. Now that success may cause you to have to hustle, even from time to time thinking outside of the proverbial box. To make things happen, even when you feel as though they are impossible, you must always remember that by simply splitting the word and a single apostrophe only you can make the impossible into I’m Possible.

You must pick yourself up off of the canvas even when life has beaten you down, do not let life beat you because the only way that you can lose is when you accept a perceived defeat. So DON’T ACCEPT IT! You must WIN or you must LEARN, you must burn your ships and win or perish. You will do whatever is necessary and take the appropriate action, when others may hesitate.

You must think BIG when others will not! You must sacrifice when others are not willing to. You must dare to dream, to dream of greatness while others choose to fear it. You will out think, out smart, and outwork your competition. For you are the master of your fate, the captain of your ship. You and only you control what is on the inside of you, only you can establish your dreams and transmute those dreams into the reality that you desire, all by the means that you have learned herein.

Know that you can lead, or you can follow, the choice is up to you. But as a leader, you need to be unique and never satisfied or accepting anything less than the life that you desire. You must be able to take the criticism and negativity of others and know that you will experience plenty of both as the world around you has a completely different mindset and many may be either envious or jealous of you.

You must be willing to make the sacrifice of your today, to live a much better tomorrow. By making that simple little sacrifice today and making the commitment of living a year or two of your life so that you can and will live the rest of your life like so many others cannot.

It is your sacrifice, your commitment, the discipline, and your dedication are going to be what sets you apart from the rest. We should all remove the word failure from our vocabulary and that being said just let me say this one time, if you can find me a man or woman who has never failed (or received less than their desired results) and I will show you exactly what the true meaning of failure is.

It takes the temporary setbacks to drive us, to motivate us. You have not failed until you have succumbed to failure. The only difference between the ultra-successful, the mega man or mega woman is that when others packed it in and ran away, they did not. They persevered, and you can too.

You will find a way when others believed there was no way. If we desire to WIN the GAME of LIFE we cannot throw in the towel. If we adopt the attitude of Edison that the failure of life is simply learning another way that simply did not work, did not deliver to us our desired outcome. Yet pick up, dust off, and get to stepping.

There is no greater satisfaction in life or in the writing of this course, I feel that I have accomplished it at this point as I write this inspirational conclusion to you and all mankind. No greater satisfaction than hard work paying off as you see the fruits of your labor comes to bear.

But realize that I don’t even consider writing as work; it is a passion of mine, a passion that has been wrapped within a burning desire and then pursued with vigor and refusal to quit. That to me is a success; of course, your definition of the word will vary based on your own personal desire(s).

There is no greater satisfaction that one can receive other than the satisfaction of knowing that you are a self-made success story. And that is within your reach. Simply by taking actions while others chose to sit on their butts. Knowing that you have had revealed to you the time tested Success Principles to motivate you described herein that you can truly WIN the GAME of LIFE! The largest differences between the winners and the losers in life is often the actions that each will or will not take, who is willing to put forth the effort, so let me ask you today, “ARE YOU WILLING TO JUST DO IT?”

You NEED to DEFINE your WHY, your life’s true purpose. You need not only write it down, you need to commit it to memory so you can recite it at the drop of a hat. It will be that WHY and your commitment to it that will be enough to pick your butt up off the floor after life has kicked you right square in the gut.

Bring your “A Game”, put forth always your best efforts, and refuse to give up or to be denied. Follow the principles and concepts outlined herein and failure no longer is an option. You can succeed, you will succeed, and you have succeeded.

And in the immortal words of Mr. Zig Ziglar… “I’ll see you, at the Top!”

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RikaSF Premium
It is really great training. I enjoyed each lesson and feel a lot more motivated and positive. Thanks for sharing Carl:))
cwelliver Premium
Thanks for taking the time to check out my maiden journey into the training arena. Appreciate the feedback.
ContentBySue Premium
Informative training. Lots of information, motivational and enlightening. This would make a great ebook!
cwelliver Premium
Thanks Sue, you are actually the 3rd person to mention that so just might have to do it. Thanks for chiming in
MsMerry Premium
Yup! Awesome and I see a few welts coming up! I have always managed to haul my patootie back up and it is not easy some days but gosh, I hate to think where things would be if I just gave in, so that is not an option. Thank you for a greeeat training.
cwelliver Premium
Thank you for your kind comments I really do appreciate them
verazhelvis Premium
Great job, Dr Carl. Especially liked the part about Yah-Buts. Thanks.:)
cwelliver Premium
That is actually one of my favorites too and after going through the Rubber band Exercise myself and a big old welt on my left arm just above my watch band, I surely did learn (although not so quickly) to change my negative thinking into positive thinking. I went through 3 rubber bands. LOL
verazhelvis Premium
Yes, that's beautiful, but with me now it usually takes one quick switch of the mind to go from negative to positive. It might take longer sometimes, but I usually don't allow myself to dwell in negativity.:)
cwelliver Premium
Oh I don't either any longer but when I was first starting out in all this years ago I was a stubborn old cuss.
verazhelvis Premium
Sure we all had (and still have) sharp edges, but God working on us is much greater than our imperfections.
cwelliver Premium
Amen to that
MKearns Premium
Great job Dr. Carl. A terrific eBook in self purpose. A great way to propel yourself to the top personally and in business!
cwelliver Premium
Thanks Mike I was just doing a blog announcing this training so you get the on top of the game award today for beating me to the punch. As always appreciate the feedback.
MKearns Premium
Rich is the one "beating to the punch" here Even as I answered technically oriented questions this morning I could feel him along side or ahead in the "game". I would close and save the response, go back in and sure enough a post!!
cwelliver Premium
I think he is a machine. But honestly you have to give the guy credit, although him and I may not agree on some points he does put a lot of effort into this.
MKearns Premium
I definitely agree. Appears to be Kyle's super weapon held in reserve for these times!
cwelliver Premium
could even be Kyle in disguise. But no matter who it is he is always in the chat and giving out information and there are people in there that really need the help, so no matter where they get it all that matters is that they get it
MKearns Premium
I don't quite believe he's Kyle. Myself and another member speculated on that point. but he's definitely positioned for instant access on the threads knows everything that Kyle does and clearly is Kyles main man after Jay!